Grey correlation analysis of factors influencing maldistribution in feeding device of copper flash s

来源 :Journal of Central South University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cwfml9
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An experimental model of maldistribution was established and grey correlation analysis method was employed to describe quantitatively the maldistribution phenomenon in the feeding device of copper flash smelting.Particle motion in the feeding device was separated into uniform flow in chute and restricted slanting parabolic motion in distributor channel.Factors affecting particle velocity at the chute outlet and particle moving distance in the distributor channel,which also cause the maldistribution,were analyzed based on the assumption of pseudo fluid.Experiments were conducted to study the maldistribution using river sand.The results indicate obvious mass maldistribution and an even higher degree with the increase of feeding mass rate;meanwhile,size maldistribution is negligible.Also,feeding intensity has a larger impact on circumferential maldistribution than on radial maldistribution.Based on the experimental results of the eight factors impacting the maldistribution,grey relation of each factor was calculated using grey correlation analysis.The importances of these factors were sequenced.The results show that a proper adjustment of the structure will ameliorate the maldistribution phenomenon in the feeding device of copper flash smelting. An experimental model of maldistribution was established and gray correlation analysis method was employed to describe quantitatively the maldistribution phenomenon in the feeding device of copper flash smelting. Particle motion in the feeding device was separated into uniform flow in chute and restricted slanting parabolic motion in distributor channel .actors affecting particle velocity at the chute outlet and particle moving distance in the distributor channel, which also cause the maldistribution, were analyzed based on the assumption of pseudo fluid. Experiments were conducted to study the maldistribution using river sand. maldistribution and an even higher degree with the increase of feeding mass rate; meanwhile, size maldistribution is negligible. Also, feeding intensity has a larger impact on circumferential maldistribution than on radial maldistribution. Based on the experimental results of the eight factors impacting the maldistribution, gray relation o f each factor was calculated using gray correlation analysis. these importances of these factors were sequenced. The results show that a proper adjustment of the structure will ameliorate the maldistribution phenomenon in the feeding device of copper flash smelting.
5月31号,为庆祝“六一”国际儿童节的到来,一场由北京万泉小学金孔雀舞蹈团主演的全国首部儿童环保小舞剧《羚羚的故事》在北京国安剧院上演。  这场儿童小舞剧讲在美丽的可可西里大草原上,可爱的藏羚羊“羚羚”和羊群们过着自由自在的生活。一天,一个少年来到这片神秘的原生态大草原中旅游,但他不幸在山中遇险了,是聪明善良的羊群救了少年。可是不久之后,一声枪响打破了草原的宁静,数万只藏羚羊遭到猎杀,羊妹妹死去了
孔子毕生致力于推进教育事业的发展和儒家学说的传播,为此,他老人家不惜以残弱之躯,奔波于各诸侯国之间。  但我经常会思考这样一个问题,孔子常年出差,到各处办学、演讲,主办方不会给他一个子儿。因为那个时代明星亮相没有出场费,同时孔子的这种行为是非官方的,因而也就得不到政府的支持。而且我还注意到,孔子出游,往往不是独自一人,经常带着十几人以上的团队,这么多人的吃喝、车旅等费用,就是一笔不小的开支。  钱
目的 对12 5I籽源组织间放射治疗的剂量分布进行测定和评价。方法 12 5I籽源活度为每粒 12 .2MBq。在体模上d 15mm圆周植入 2 0粒 ,在前列腺模型上分 4层植入 70粒 ,分别用
阅读池莉的小说《云破处》1纯属偶然。然而 ,当我在 1 999年的冬末阅读这篇写于 1 996年初夏的文字时 ,我的心被强烈地震撼了。以《烦恼人生》、《不谈爱情》成名的池莉 ,一