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在清楚了解标书文件含义的基础上 ,承包商按B.Q.单的要求计算价格 ,预测效益 ,做到胸有成竹 ,这是一项相当关键的工作 ,它对投标的成败与否、项目能否顺利实施以及最终的财务盈亏都起着决定性的作用。这里只是从费用分析和成本控制的角度 ,谈谈报价计算时应该考虑的主要因 On the basis of a clear understanding of the meaning of the tender documents, the contractor shall press B. Q. It is a very crucial task to calculate the price and predict the benefits of a single request. It is crucial for the success or failure of the bidding, the smooth implementation of the project, and ultimately the financial gain and loss. Here only from the cost analysis and cost control point of view, to talk about the price calculation should consider the main factors
The in situ synthesized MoSi2-SiC composite is proved to be of higher fracture toughness than the monolithic MoSi2. The TEM and HREM study reveals that the inte
In this paper, the austenitization and homogenization process of Q235 plain carbon steel during reheating is predicted using a two-dimensional model which has b
秘鲁知名作家布赖斯·埃切尼克获得了2002年度西班牙“行星文学奖”,参加完颁奖仪式后,接受了记者的采访。 他谈话时经常伴随着停顿,目不转睛,很多时候显得刻薄,但有时又是那
“向右——转,”艾民下达了口令,“齐步——走。” 这班哨中队长本想把艾民调下来,因为明天是警校招生预考的日子,艾民早早地报了名。“一班长,收操后来趟队部,”中队长讲评
电子商务的概念   电子商务至今尚无一个标准的定义。宏观上,电子商务泛指利用计算机网络进行的一切活动,包括政府网上办公、网上教育等。 Esprit( 1997)定义为,电子商务是一个