地铁作为城市的生命线,具备诸多优势的同时也是城市人口最密集的场所之一,一旦发生火灾,后果不堪设想。2003年2月18日,韩国大邱市地铁一号线中央路车站,由于一名男子纵火,2列满载乘客的地铁列车被烧毁,共造成198人死亡,146人受伤。2015年,美国当地时间1月12日,华盛顿市中心兰芳广场站(L’Enfant Plaza Station)一地铁车厢突然起火并冒出浓烟,导致1人死亡,多人受伤。2015年10
As the lifeline of the city, the subway has many advantages and is also one of the densest places in the city. In the event of a fire, the consequences will be disastrous. On February 18, 2003, at the Central Station on Subway Line 1, Daegu City, South Korea, 198 people were killed and 146 injured as a result of arson and the burial of two subway trains loaded with passengers. In 2015, on January 12 local time in the United States, suddenly a fire broke out in a metro train at the L’Enfant Plaza Station in downtown Washington, DC, causing heavy smoke. One person was killed and many were injured. 2015 10