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对于整体果实呼吸作用的测定,大多采用碱液吸收呼吸过程中所释放出的CO_2进行滴定来确定其呼吸强度。1942年Clagpool等人用比色法来测定果实呼吸强度,近年有人进行改进。碱液吸收法只能测定呼吸强度,不能同时测定呼吸系数,而且更不能测定果实在高浓度CO_2条件下(如在CA貯藏条件下)的呼吸作用。比色法比碱液吸收法虽然精确得多,但也只能测定呼吸强度。近年来所采用的气相色层等方法,虽然精确,而仪器复杂不能广泛采用。在果品貯藏研究中,往往需要同时测定呼吸强度和呼吸系数,而且更需要测定在特定条件下(卽高浓度CO_2的CA貯藏条件下)的呼吸强度和呼吸系数,对此我们试用CO_2测定仪和测O_2仪来测定果实呼吸强度和呼吸系数。 For the determination of the overall fruit respiration, most of the use of lye to absorb the release of CO2 during the titration to determine the respiration intensity. In 1942, Clagpool et al. Used colorimetry to determine the fruit’s respiration intensity. Some people made improvements in recent years. Lye absorption method can only determine the respiration intensity, respiration coefficient can not be measured at the same time, but also can not determine the fruit in high concentrations of CO_2 conditions (such as in the CA storage conditions) respiration. Colorimetric lye absorption method, though much more accurate, but only the determination of respiratory intensity. In recent years, the gas chromatography and other methods used, although accurate, and the complexity of the instrument can not be widely used. In the study of fruit storage, it is often necessary to determine the respiratory rate and respiratory rate simultaneously, and to determine the respiratory rate and respiratory rate under certain conditions (CA storage conditions with high CO 2 concentration). In this study, O_2 instrument was used to determine fruit respiration rate and respiratory rate.
To investigate the progress in evidence-based surgical treatment of non-metastatic gastric cancer,we re- viewed the last ten years’literature.The data used in
目的:本研究旨在应用腹腔镜外科手术技术完成犬肾脏切除术,并从手术对犬循环和呼吸系统机能的影响来全面、客观评价手术安全性. 方法:通过麻醉犬的腹侧壁建立3个腹腔镜套管
目的 本次实验主要研究对临床中出现妊娠期高血压综合征合并胎盘早剥患者采取有效临床治疗的效果.方法 本文共选取于2018年5月份至2020年5月在本院接受治疗的妊娠高血压综合
目的 探讨阿司匹林联合硫酸氢氯吡格雷口服治疗脑梗塞的有效性.方法 把2019年1月-2020年1月在我院接受治疗的88例脑梗塞患者作为研究对象,随机分为对照组与观察组,每组各44例
目的 探究合浦县学校结核病患者密切接触者结核菌素试验数据研究分析.方法 选取2019年1月~2020年7月合浦县整个县区发生结核病疫情的学校学生及教职工总计4109例作为本次观察