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中国国际服装服饰博览会(CHIC)是行业内历史最长、规模最大的第一盛会,许多参展商认为,参加一次CHIC,交流经验、商谈贸易可以一举两得,今年因为尝试包括分期办展在内的众多创新举措,引起业内外人士的极大关注。从历经两期精彩纷呈的展示来看,作为汇聚1000多家企业的大型博览会,2004CHIC的展览面积和参展商数目创历史新高。毫无疑问,2004CHIC再次为中国服装界营造了巨大的商业契机。 China International Clothing & Accessories Fair (CHIC) is the longest and largest event in the industry. Many exhibitors believe that participating in a CHIC exchange of experience and negotiation of trade can serve two purposes. This year, due to the large number of attempts to carry out the exhibition, Innovative initiatives have aroused great concern inside and outside the industry. Judging from two brilliant exhibitions, 2004 CHIC’s exhibition area and exhibitors reached a record high as a large-scale expo gathering more than 1,000 enterprises. There is no doubt that 2004CHIC once again created a huge business opportunity for the Chinese garment industry.
目的探讨5-氮-2′-脱氧胞嘧啶(5-Aza-CdR)诱导骨髓瘤细胞系U266 p16基因DNA 5′CpG岛去甲基化作用及对U266细胞增生的影响。方法采用巢式甲基特异性PCR法(n-MSP)、DNA序列分
The boundary-volume integral equation numerical technique can be a powerful tool for piecewise heterogeneous media,but it is limited to small problems or low fr
日本贸易振兴机构 JETRO公布了2003年度中日两国贸易收支情况。日方称,去年对中国存在179.5亿美元的贸易逆差。而根据中国海关统计,中国对日本的贸易逆差已经达到147.3亿美元
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In this paper,a new of oxygen fugacity controltechnique that can be widely applied to in-situ measurement of the grain interior electrical conductivities of min