佛山是一座历史悠久的古老城市,新中国成立,特别是改革开放以来,佛山市经济和社会迅速发展,成为全国社会经济发展水平前10名和投资环境40优之一的城市;获得“洁净城市”、“环境综合整治优秀城市”等多项殊荣。 今日的佛山,道路宽阔平坦,纵横交错,高楼大厦,鳞次栉比,到处绿树掩映,赏心悦目,绿地公园,风景秀丽。 1997年11月18日,记者随同广东省
Foshan is a historic ancient city with the founding of New China. Since the reform and opening up, Foshan has enjoyed rapid economic and social development and has become one of the top 10 cities in the country for social and economic development and one of the top 40 investment environments. Foshan has won the title of “Clean City” , “Environmental comprehensive improvement excellent city” and many other awards. Today’s Foshan, the road wide and flat, criss-cross, high-rise buildings, row upon row of trees, surrounded by trees, feast for the eyes, green park, beautiful scenery. November 18, 1997, along with reporters in Guangdong Province