抓项目管理 促周转金回收

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老区项目效益如何,关系到周转金能否按期回收。我办自开展老区建设工作以来,在县委、县政府的直接领导下,在州开发办的具体指导下,严格管理老区项目、资金,促使老区项目发挥了较好的社会、经济效益,保证了周转金按期回收,按期还省。1983-1992年,省拨我县周转金139.1万无,其中计划内104.1万元,计划外滚动周转金35万元。至1993年8月底止,到期计划内周转金80.1万元,回收68.1万元,还省80.1万元;到期计划外周转金10万元,回收10万元,还省10万元。未回收数12万元。在项目管理上,我们的主要做法是:一、选准项目,评估论证后立项申报1983年,由于没有经验,缺乏项目效益意识,未经评估论证向省申报了一个项目,省批周转金12万元、无偿资金5万元,计17万元。该项目在实施过程中,由于有关部门和项目单位对建筑质量检查监督不力,未发挥经济效益。目前该厂所欠12万元周转金仍无力偿还。我们从这个失败的项目中吸取了教训,认识到:项 The effectiveness of the old district project, related to the revolving fund can be scheduled on schedule. Under the direct guidance of county Party committee and county government and under the specific guidance of the State Development Office, I have run strictly the management of the projects and funds in the old areas since the development of the old areas and started the good social and economic benefits of the projects in the old areas and guaranteed Working capital recovered on schedule, but also on schedule. From 1983 to 1992, the province allocated 1,391,000 revolving funds to our county, including 1,041,000 yuan in the plan and 350,000 yuan in rolling revolving funds outside the plan. By the end of August 1993, the planned working capital repayments amounted to 801,000 yuan due to expiration and 681,000 yuan was recovered, with an additional saving of 801,000 yuan. The planned outward transfer of funds due to expiry was 100,000 yuan, with an annual recovery of 100,000 yuan and an additional 100,000 yuan. The number of unrecycled 120,000 yuan. In the project management, our main approach is: First, the selection of the project, the project declaration assessment After the demonstration in 1983, due to lack of experience, the lack of awareness of project efficiency, assessment of the province did not declare a project to the province, approved the working capital 12 Million yuan, 50,000 yuan of funds for free, total 170,000 yuan. During the implementation of this project, due to the ineffective supervision and inspection of construction quality by relevant departments and project units, no economic benefits were achieved. At present, the factory owed 120,000 yuan working capital is still unable to repay. We learned a lesson from this failed project, recognizing:
用树叶防治林木害虫,既简便、经济有效,又不污染环境。现介绍二种方法:1 枫杨鲜叶捣烂,每亩苗圃地或幼林地埋入75~100千克,既可作绿肥,又可防治地老虎、蝼蛄等地下害虫,效果