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  中图分类号:TS653 文献标识码:A DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2014.03.013
  摘 要:由于木竹复合材料的性能与原料的类型、施胶量、工艺参数、木材和竹材的比例等许多因素有关,本文研究了不同木材和竹材的比例对木竹层积复合材的性能影响,采用的酚醛胶固含量为45%,板材尺寸800 mm× 800 mm× 10 mm,热压时间15 min ,热压温度,热压压力2.5 MPa。试验结果表明:木材和竹材的比例对木竹复合材料的静曲强度、弹性模量和胶合强度有显著影响,对其含水率影响较小。当木材比例从20%到60%时,木竹复合材料的静曲强度、弹性模量和胶合强度逐渐增加。
  Bamboo is one kind of important bio-resource, with a series of advantages such as short growth cycle, the air of respirable particulate[1], quick growing into useful timber, easy renew, and powerful capacity. Moreover, the genomic DNA of bamboo was also investigated by some scientists[2]. However, there are also some drawbacks such as vulnerable deep fungal, hollow, structure and physical properties, mechanical uneven, small diameter, etc. In order to improve the product quality, increasing the resources of raw materials, and decrease the production cost, some scientists have focused on the research of bamboo and wood composite materials processing in some Asian countries[3-5]; Two-layered bamboo mat board, corrugated roofing sheets, and bamboo strip board have been manufactured in Vietnam[6-7]. Although many studies have been conducted on bamboo mat board, extensive literature search did not reveal any information about the manufacturing of layered laminate bamboo-wood composites from bamboo and wood to evaluate its properties. In order to ensure the proper utilization of this valuable resource and to reduce the excess pressure on wood, this study was carried out to manufacture layered laminate bamboo-wood and determining the effect of material ratios on mechanical properties of the layered laminate composite made from bamboo (Dendrocalamus membranaceus Munro) and wood (Styrax tonkinensis Pierre) a hardwood species, which is commonly used for manufacturing of commercial plywood and paper in Vietnam. But the question is that bamboo and wood are two material structure characteristics of properties, chemical composition and other advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the design structure of the layered laminate composite is an issue that needs to be studied. There are many papers about layered laminate composites [7-9] .
  Both bamboo mats and wood veneers were used to make four types of 11-ply layered laminate composite(Fig.1).
  Influence from types of layered laminate composite
  In the tab.1, it can be observed that the density, mechanical properties are changed when the material ratios change. MOR and MOE of the layered laminate bamboo-wood composite were higher than that of the plywood made from Styrax tonkinensis Pierre (R4). But bonding ability between bamboo and wood is less than bonding ability between wood and wood. MOR and MOE of the layered laminate bamboo-wood composite depend on mechanical properties of bamboo and wood; and depend on bonding quality between the bamboo mats and wood veneers. Although bamboo has a higher mechanical strength of wood, bonding quality between bamboo and wood is smaller.   Effect of ratios for wood and bamboo
  Samples for bending strength testing were 10 for each series. Figure 2, 3, 4, 5 show the effect of material ratios (wood and bamboo) on bearing capacity of bamboo-wood composite, and a comparatively between four types of structure. The highest bearing capacity was obtained in series R3 (wood: 60% and bamboo: 40%). And the lowest bearing capacity was in series R4 (wood: 100%).
  The samples in series R1 and series R2, when under load, glue line separated before destruction; deflection of samples are small when bending.
  The lowest standard deviation of the testing samples was in series R4, and the highest standard deviation of the testing samples was in series R1 because the hardness value of bamboo is higher than the hardness value of wood; therefore, the possibility of contact between bamboo and wood is less than the possibility of contact between wood and wood.
  This study investigated the potentiality of using bamboo mat and wood veneer in manufacturing of layered laminate bamboo-wood composite and its basic mechanical properties. The specific conclusions of the study are that differences in the mechanical properties among the products are due to the raw material characteristics. Therefore, the properties of product depend on the ratio of materials in products. Through the study results, we have recommended that optimal material ratios (bamboo/wood) of the layered laminate bamboo-wood composite: volume of bamboo mats are about 40% and volume of wood veneers are about 60%.
  [1] CUI Hui-ping, ZHANG Jian-guo, XU Wen-jun.Variations of air PM10 concentrationin of 5 kinds of bamboo community in Lin'an City Zhejiang Province[J]. Tianjin Agricultural Sciences,2013,19(2):50-52.
  [2] YANG Qing, SU Guang-rong, HAN Lei, et al. Study on genomic DNA extraction method and AFLP amplification reaction system of D.hamiltonii Nees et Arn.ex Munro[J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica,2010,25 (S) : 32 -37.
  [3] China National Bamboo Research Center. Cultivation & integrated utilization on bamboo in china[M]. Hangzhou, China: China National Bamboo Research Center, 2011:143-148.
  [4] Jiang Shen-xue. On structure, production, and market of bamboo-based panels in China[J].Journal of Forestry Research, 13(2): 151-156.
  [5] Zhao Ren-jie. Some views on developing bamboo-based panel Industry[J].Forestry Products Industry, 2001,28 (2):6-8.
  [6] van Chuong P. Research on the technology of making multy-layers composite from bamboo and wood[J]. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development,2009(10):89-93.
  [7] ZANG Yang, MA Yan,YANG Chun-mei. Mechanism of the structure and elastic modulus calculation of the sliced veneer laminated timber cervical splint[J]. Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2013, 49( 8 ):103-107.
  [8] DONG Guo-qing,WANG Jia-hang. Experimental study on the structural performance of poplar laminated veneer lumber beams[J]. Journal of Huaiyin Institute of Technology, 2010, 19(1):84-88.
  [9] LYU Bin, FU Yue-jin, WU Sheng-fu, et al. Trial production and mechanical property of LVL made from plantation wood[J]. China Forest Products Industry,2004, 31(3):13-17.
摘 要:昱隆牌太阳能杀虫灯安装简便,杀虫谱广,杀虫量大。对蔬菜田主要害虫均具诱杀效果,对天敌伤害极小,可有效保护天敌,无污染。如与黄(蓝)色粘虫板、性诱剂和无剧毒无害生物农药配合使用,可有效控制蔬菜害虫的危害,且无环境污染。具有不会引起人畜中毒等优点,可在绿色蔬菜生产中推广应用。  关键词:昱隆牌太阳能杀虫灯;绿色蔬菜;应用  中图分类号:S436.3 文献标识码:A DOI编码:10.3969/
摘 要:我国农村改革已进入了全面深化的阶段,中央已将农民对宅基地的有偿退出纳入全国新型城镇化改革试点。农村宅基地有偿退出的路径依然非常漫长,需要深入探索。本研究在对南京市农村宅基地有偿退出调研的基础上,总结了南京市农村宅基地有偿退出的政策和实践,分析了南京市农村宅基地有偿退出存在的困难,为建立闲置农宅退出机制提供政策参考。  关键词:农村宅基地;有偿退出;土地节约集约利用  中图分类号:F301
摘 要:生物化学在食品质量与安全专业中是一门重要的专业基础课。本文主要针对本门课程内容冗杂、学生学习中存在较大难度的现状,阐述平台化教学与专业化教学相结合的教学方式在生物化学教学中的应用。实践证明,平台化与专业化教学方式方法的运用取得了较好的教学效果。  关键词:生物化学;平台化;专业化;教学方式  中图分类号:G642.41 文献标识码:A DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6
摘 要: SUMO是一类重要的类泛素蛋白,SUMO化修饰作为一种蛋白质翻译后修饰,广泛参与生物体的生命活动,具有极其重要的功能。笔者对SUMO的分类、SUMO化循环及其功能进行了简明的阐述。  关键词:SUMO分子;SUMO化循环;翻译后修饰  中图分类号:Q946.1 文献标识码:A DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2013.10.007  蛋白质翻译后的修饰作用是
摘 要: 通过对改造后池塘运用微孔增氧、生物防病和微生态调水等技术,进行凡纳滨对虾的设施化养殖。结果表明,微孔管道增氧能极大地提高水中的溶氧量,并且充气均匀;微生态制剂调水也保证了水体的健康环境;生物防病技术由于在品种选择、投放密度和规格等方面存在一定问题,最终导致对虾白斑病的暴发。经过一年的实施,虽然经济效益亏损,但为今后该技术的实施提供了技术参考。  关键词:凡纳滨对虾;池塘;设施化养殖;生物
摘 要:以普通荧光灯为对照,采用不同光质荧光灯(红,蓝,红蓝1∶1)对日光温室内番茄进行定时补光(6:30—8:30,16:00—18:00;光照强度2 000 lx),研究不同光质补光对番茄生长、产量及品质的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,补照红光能够促进番茄植株生长;补照红光和红蓝混合光能提高番茄产量,且补照红光的增产效果最好,产量增加22.4%;可溶性糖含量以红光处理最高,可溶性蛋白、Vc和可滴
摘 要:《农民专业合作社法》实施以来,启东市农民专业合作社建设与发展取得明显成效。农民专业合作社已经成为农民进入市场的重要载体,有力地促进了农民增收,加快了新农村建设。但是专业合作社发展仍然面临一系列的问题。通过对启东市的专业合作社的实地调查,对当前启东市农民专业合作社发展的主要问题进行了剖析,并就如何促进农民专业合作社发展提出对策建议。  关键词:农民专业合作社;问题;对策;启东  中图分类号:
摘 要: 采用6种不同配方的固体培养基对蛹虫草菌株的菌丝体进行培养,以菌种初萌发时间、菌丝长速、菌丝长势、菌丝长满斜面所需时间为指标,筛选出蛹虫草母种最佳培养基。结果表明:母种培养基的最佳配方为:20%马铃薯提取液中加入1%葡萄糖、1%蛋白胨、2%琼脂、0.5%KH2PO4、0.3%MgSO4、VB1(10 mg·L-1), pH值5.8。在该培养基上,菌种的初萌发时间最短,为2 d;菌丝长速最快
摘 要:研究了混凝剂对牛沼液的净化效果,选择最佳处理工艺,为畜禽废弃物厌氧发酵沼液的循环利用和安全排放提供科学依据。采用3种混凝剂、1种助凝剂,分别对牛沼液进行混凝试验,用矾花的形成、大小、沉降速度、浊度和CODcr值及其去除率评价其净化效果。结果表明:以氯化铁(320 mg·L-1)二次混凝的效果最好,矾花形成最快且相对最大、浊度为119.4 NTU,COD值为260 mg·L-1。将处理污水的
摘 要:论述了PLC的概念、工作原理及在葡萄酒灌装线拆垛机上的应用,指出PLC结构简单、功能强大,可使设备故障率降低、工作效率提高,且软件参数调整方便易行,能够精准地满足生产工艺和程序的要求。  关键词:PLC;灌装线;拆垛机;葡萄酒  中图分类号:TP273.5 文献标识码:A DOI编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2014.03.017  目前国内葡萄酒生产企业众多,产