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我们出入境管理处在“双评”创建工作中,按照市局党组、市局“双评”办关于创建工作的具体部署,结合我处的工作职能和所承担的具体任务,在简化手续、出台新政策和便民服务措施,提高窗口服务质量上采取了几点做法。一、提高认识,加强对“双评”创建工作的领导。我们处是全局的重要窗口单位,我们工作的好坏直接影响市局的“双评”工作,这一点我们处领导班子有明确认识。为加强和改进全处民警的服务作风,提高服务质量,2003年以来处领导班子先后六次召开会议,专门研究了提高民警服务意识和改进 In the “Double Evaluation” creation work of the Exit and Entry Administration Office, the specific deployment of the creation work was carried out in accordance with the “Party Evaluation Committee” of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Bureau, combined with the work functions and specific tasks undertaken by the Department. Measures have been taken to simplify the procedures, introduce new policies and facilitate service measures, and improve the quality of window services. First, raise awareness and strengthen the leadership of the “double evaluation” creation work. Our office is an important window unit of the overall situation. Our work has a direct impact on the “double evaluation” work of the Municipal Bureau. This point we have a clear understanding of the leadership team. In order to strengthen and improve the service style of the civilian police and improve service quality, the leadership team has held six meetings since 2003 to specifically study and improve the service awareness of the police.
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