Module 9 Unit 1~2 单元点拨

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  Unit 1
  1. Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, second only to Russia...(L1, P2) 加拿大是世界上最大的国家之一,仅次于俄国……。
  【点拨】 second only to 仅次于……,second to none 最好的
  In terms of scoring goals, he was second only to Yao Ming during the match. 这场比赛中,他得分仅次于姚明。
  We will provide a service second to none. 我们将提供最为优质的服务。
  【拓展】 短语中介词to有比较的意思。类似的短语有:
  be junior to比……年轻,比……资格浅
  be senior to 比……年长,比……资格老
  be superior to比……优越, 胜过……
  be inferior to比……差,不如……
  2. For those who love outdoor activities, it is possible to hike, sail, crosscountry ski or travel by snowmobile for hours — or even days — without meeting another person. (L11, P2) 对于热爱户外运动的人来说,在远足、帆船运动, 越野滑雪或雪车旅行中, 他们可能好几个小时甚至好几天都碰不到一个人。
  【点拨】 possible 表示(做某件事是)可能的,不能用某人或某物做主语。掌握这样两个句型:
  It is possible / probable / likely (for sb.) to do sth.
  sb. / sth. is likely to do sth. / It is likely that...
  [×] She is possible to solve the problem.
  [√] It is possible for her to solve the problem.
  [√] She is likely to solve the problem.
  Studies show that people are more______to suffer from back problems if they always sit before computer screens for long hours. (2010陕西卷)
  A. likelyB. possible
  C. probable D. sure
  【答案】 A
  【拓展】 类似于possible不可以用人做主语的形容词还有:impossible, difficult, easy, convenient 等。
  3. Toronto, the largest city in Canada, is often said to be the most multicultural city in the world.(L19, P2) 多伦多,加拿大最大的城市,据说是世界上拥有最多多元文化的城市。
  【点拨】 此句相当于:It is said that Toronto, the largest city in Canada, is the most multicultural city in the world. 如:
  Einstein was said to be a rather slow learner in his boyhood. 传说爱因斯坦小时候学得相当慢。
  【拓展】 相关的句型有:
  be said to be ... 据说是……
  be said to be doing sth. 据说正在做……
  be said to have done sth. 据说已经做了……如:
  (1) His son is said to be studying abroad. 据说他儿子正在国外读书。
  (2) The book is said to have been translated into several languages. 据说这本书已经被翻译成好几种语言。
  Harrison Ford is thought to be one of the few movie stars______as a carpenter before. (2011上海春招)
  A. to work
  B. to be working
  C. to have worked
  D. to have been working
  【答案】 C
  4. Located in the heart of Toronte is the Canadian National Tower, which is called the CN Tower for short. (L22, P2) 加拿大国家电视塔坐落于多伦多市中心,通常简称CN塔。
  【点拨】 这是一个倒装句。为了句子平衡,英语句子经常把ed形式,ing形式,形容词,介词短语等放置在句首,并且将谓语动词提到主语前面。这样的形式叫全倒装。如:
  (1) Present at the meeting are scientists from all over the world.   She plays the piano well, as does her mother. 她和母亲一样钢琴弹得好。
  The film is so boring, as is its music. 这部电影很乏味,其音乐也是如此。
  (1) 如果在否定句中表示前面所述的某种情况或某一事实也适合另外一个人或物则用:neither / nor 助动词/系动词/情态动词 主语。如:
  If you won’t take any summer courses, nor do I. 如果你不参加任何暑假培训课程,我也不参加。
  (2) 如果是比较复杂的句子,用So it is with sb. 或者 It is the same with sb.
  He works day and night and never complains about working conditions. So it is with his other parterners. 他起早贪黑地工作而且从不埋怨工作环境,他的其他合作伙伴也是如此。
  (3) 如果对前面所述的某种情况或某一事实加以肯定,用:so 主语 助动词/系动词/情态动词。
  —Last Sunday Fred went to Ann’s birthday party. ——上星期天弗瑞德参加了安妮的生日晚会。
  —So he did. And so did I. ——是的,他确实去了,我也去了。
  (1) —I don’t know about you, but I’m sick and tired of this weather.
  — _______. I can’t stand all this rain. (2012山东卷)
  A. I dont care B. Its hard to say
  C. So am I D. I hope not
  (2) The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor______it a thought. (2012重庆卷)
  A. does he even given B. he even gives
  C. will he even giveD. he will even given
  【答案】 (1) C (2) C
  3. The Acropolis was constructed in the 5th century BC at a high altitude above the city in honour of Athena, the Goddess of Athens. (L20, P18) 卫城于公元前5世纪建在一个海拔高于雅典城的地方,为的是纪念雅典娜。
  【点拨】 the Goddess of Athens是同位语,对其所修饰的名词Athena做进一步的解释说明。
  如:The buildings of the Acropolis were made of marble, a very smooth, strong stone. 卫城的建筑是用非常光滑坚硬的大理石建成的。
  【拓展】 作同位语的名词或者代词可以用形容词、分词短语或者定语从句来修饰。如:
  (1) My most famous relative of all, the one who really left his mark on America, was Bob, my great grandfather. 我所有的亲戚中那个真正在美国留下自己印记的人是鲍勃,我的曾祖父。
  (2) Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, one worthy to be treasured. 这么多年后见到我的叔叔是一个难忘的时刻,一个值得珍惜的时刻。
  Helping others is a habit,______you can learn even at an early age. (2010山东卷)
  A. it B. that
  C. whatD. one
  【答案】 D
  4. Later, they used the Parthenon as a warehouse to store their supply of gunpowder. (L53, P18) ... 将帕台农神庙作为储存军火的仓库。
  【点拨】 短语“把……用作……”。
  as 表示“作为”的意思。如:
  He has worked as a diplomat in the US, Sudan and Saudi Arabia...
  【拓展】 常见含as (意为“作为”) 的短语有:
  act as作为……用;work as以……身份工作;serve as 用作……;look up to...as把……尊为……; / / think of... as认为……是……;treat sb. as把某人当作……
  Let’s learn to use the problem we are facing______a steppingstone to future success. (2008全国卷I)
  A. to B. for   C. as D. by
  【答案】 C
  5. The Scared Way, which is sometimes called the Avenue of Animals, leads to the thirteen tombs and is in good condition. (L13, P30) 通向陵寝的神道有时被称为石像神道,保存良好。
  【点拨】 lead to 文中意为“通向”,(结果) 导致……如:
  All rivers lead to the sea. 条条江河归大海。
  Hiding your anger can only lead to unhappiness. 把气憋在肚子里只能导致不幸。
  【拓展】 导致某人做某事,用:lead to sb. / one’s doing sth.或者lead sb. to do sth.
  His anger with the teacher led him to shout loudly in class.
  His anger with the teacher led to his shouting loudly in class. 他对老师的怨气导致他在教室里大叫大嚷。
  (1) Look over there—there’s a very long, winding path______up to the house. (2011山东卷)
  A. leading B. leads
  C. ledD. to lead
  (2) The news shocked the public,______to great concern about students safety at school. (2010重庆卷)
  A. having ledB. led
  C. leading D. to lead
  【答案】 (1)A (2) C
  6. Adding to the impressiveness and beauty of Changling is the Lingen Palace, which is located in the second courtyard. (L24, P30)位于长陵的第二个院落里的陵恩殿为长陵增添了宏伟与壮丽。
  【点拨】 短语add to意为“增加,增添”;“使……规模扩大。如:
  That will only add to our difficulties. 那只会增加我们的困难。
  Since then, the Great Wall has been added to, rebuilt and repaired, especially during the Ming Dynasty. 从那以后特别在明朝,长城得到了不断的扩建、重建及维修。
  【拓展】 与add有关的常用短语还有: 意为“把……加到……上”
  add up to 意为“加起来总数为……”
  There have been several new events______to the program for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. (2006北京卷)
  A. addB. to add
  C. addingD. added
  【答案】 D
  7. it sends the message to everyone that these sites are extremely important and precious. (L53, P31) ……因为它向大家提供了这样的信息,即这些遗址非常重要和珍贵。
  【点拨】 同位语从句如果意义完整,应用that引导,that在句中不作成分。如:
  The thought that he might fail in the exam worried him very much. 或许是考试会不及格的想法让他非常担忧。
  The general gave the order that the soldiers should cross the river at once.将军下达了战士们必须立即过河的命令。
  【拓展】 引导词是that的同位语从句和定语从句的区别:同位语从句和定语从句相似,都放在某一名词或代词后面。同位语从句对名词加以补充说明,是名词全部内容的体现,引导词不在从句中担任成分;定语从句对名词加以限制,是名词内容的修饰性定语,其引导词在从句中作主语、宾语、状语等成分。如:
  Information has been put forward that more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.已经传出信息,更多的中学毕业生将来会被大学录取。(同位语从句,从句是陈述语气,只能用that引导,that在从句中不做任何成分)
  It is said that more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities, and this is the information that / which has been put forward.据说更多的中学毕业生将来被大学录取,这是已经传出的信息。 (定语从句,关系代词在从句中作主语,可以用that或者which引导。
  (1) The notice came around two in the afternoon______the meeting would be postponed. (2012江苏卷)
  A. when B. that
  C. whether D. how
  (2) Evidence has been found through years of study______children’s early sleeping problem likely to continue when they grow up.(2012 重庆卷)
  A. why B. how
  C. whether D. that
  (3) I made a promise to myself______this year, my first year in high school, would be different.(2012浙江卷)
  A. whether B. what
  C. thatD. how
  【答案】 (1) B (2) D (3) C
摘要:一直以来,教师总是大量地给学生布置机械性的作业,让学生在作业本上按时完成大量的作业,在全批后再发给学生集中讲评。笔者认为,这种英语作业的布置方式有一些弊端。如何通过作业的布置和批改来提高初中英语教学的有效性呢?   关键词:作业布置;批改;有效性  中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2019)12-0107  一、英语作业的布置与批改存在的问题  
2014年1月18日武林风“志强·襄阳影视城杯”WLF全球功夫盛典在湖北省襄阳市强势登陆。作为襄阳一市民的我,看后自然会有所感慨。  武林风作为中国武术娱乐节目类头牌,位居河南省文艺节目的头把交椅,同时段播放率列全国第四位,在全国有很大的影响力,作为武林风成长十周年纪念活动的重磅戏在襄阳这个地级市上演,绝非偶然。这是强强联合,取得双赢的具体表现。志强公司是一家集房地产、文化、旅游等为一体,正在不断