建设信息网络 创新动员机制

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在今年盛夏季节,我师某团实施了网上快速动员演习。演习中,我们着眼网上快速动员演练的特点和要求,采取室内与室外结合、网络与实兵结合、同地与异地结合、模拟与实际结合、演练与研究结合、部队与地方结合的方法,重点训练了在网络平台上军地协调、组织指挥、后装保障、兵 In the summer of this year, a division of our division conducted a rapid online mobilization exercise. During the exercise, we focused on the characteristics and requirements of the rapid mobilization exercise on the Internet. We adopted a combination of indoors and outdoors, a combination of network and real soldiers, a combination of local and remote locations, a combination of simulation and practice, a combination of exercises and research, a combination of troops and localities, and a focus Training in the network platform military coordination, organization and command, after the installation of security, soldiers
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5. Landessprachen (国家通用语言) und SchweizerdeutschVon der Bevolkerung in der Schweiz sprachen nach der Volkszahlung im Jahre1970 64,9% deutsch, 18,1% franzo
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必要寒。日午后,鼻赤见学。 Need cold. Afternoon, see the nose red.