Studies on High Temperature Oxidation of Electrodeposited RE-Ni-W-P-SiC Composite Materials

来源 :材料热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ry0205
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The oxidation of the Electrodeposited RE-Ni-W-P-SiC Composite materials at high temperature is investigated. The results show that during high temperature oxidation the relationship between the mass change of pure Ni, Ni-W-P, Ni-W-P-SiC or RE-Ni-W-P-SiC coatings and the oxidation time follows a mixed curve, i.e. it is approximately a linear relationship when the oxidation time is less than 60 mins while it is a power function relationship when the oxidation time is over 60 mins. The order for the oxidation rate of the four coatings is Ni> Ni-W-P> Ni-W-P-SiC>RE-Ni-W-P-SiC. The mass change of Ni-W-P, Ni-W-P-SiC or RE-Ni-W-P-SiC coatings increases exponentially with a rise of oxidation temperature. The high temperature-oxidation resistance of RE-Ni-W-P-SiC composite material is 3-4 times than that of Ni-W-P alloy coating. The cross section morphologies and X-ray diffraction patterns indicate that the high temperature-oxidation resistance of RE-Ni-W-P-SiC composite coating is better than any other coatings. The oxidation of the Electrodeposited RE-Ni-WP-SiC Composite materials at high temperature is investigated. The results show that during high temperature oxidation the relationship between the mass change of pure Ni, Ni-WP, Ni-WP-SiC or RE- Ni-WP-SiC coatings and the oxidation time follows a mixed curve, ie it is approximately a linear relationship when the oxidation time is less than 60 mins while it is a power function relationship when the oxidation time is over 60 mins. The order for the oxidation rate of the four coatings is Ni> Ni-WP> Ni-WP-SiC> RE-Ni-WP-SiC. The mass change of Ni-WP, Ni-WP-SiC or RE-Ni-WP-SiC coatings The high temperature-oxidation resistance of RE-Ni-WP-SiC composite material is 3-4 times than that of Ni-WP alloy coating. The cross section morphologies and X- that the high temperature-oxidation resistance of RE-Ni-WP-SiC composite coating is better than a ny other coatings.
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