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潜山县地处安徽的西南部,南距长江不远。境内地上地下文物极为丰富,国家风景名胜区天柱山距县城仅10公里。远在若干亿年前,潜山乃是郯城庐江深大断裂所控制的北东向断陷带中南端的一个盆地。盆地南北两侧地貌差异很大,北侧为古老变质岩系组成的高山区,南面为中生代... Qianshan County is located in the southwest of Anhui Province, not far from the Yangtze River in the south. Territory is extremely rich in underground relics, Tianzhu Mountain Scenic Area only 10 kilometers from the county seat. A few hundred million years ago, the buried hill was a basin at the middle and southern end of the NE strike controlled by the deep fault of Tancheng Lujiang. The two sides of the basin have a great difference in topography on both sides, with the northern part being the high mountain area consisting of the ancient metamorphic rocks and the south being the Mesozoic.
根据中国地震局分析预报中心提供的资料,1999年2月份华北地区(33.0°~42.0°N,111.0°~125.0°E)共发生ML≥3.0地震10次(见表1),最显著的事件是2月14日黄海ML3.8地震。本月地震频度与上月相当,震中比较分散,华北平原... According
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The geographic extent of the climate oscillations during the last deglaciation is an open question in the world. Here a high resolution climate record from a 1
利用2 个描述强震前中短期阶段地震活动异常平静及丛集的参量,计算了新疆地震区1970~1998 年以1 年为窗长、3 个月为步长的地震活动异常图像,并给出了发生在新疆乌恰的2 次7.4 级地震前后,新疆地
通过对木材检验技术中简捷计算的探讨,从而为木材检验员提高工作效率,同时为达到木材检验快而准的要求提供依据。 Through the discussion of the simple and convenient ca