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艰苦奋斗是我们党的优良传统,是电力改革发展的精神动力。开展艰苦奋斗优良传统教育,发扬艰苦创业勇于奋斗精神,在创建电力行业文明单位的活动中有着重要的地位和作用。 一、艰苦奋斗是电力行业的优良传统 回顾我省电力发展,每个电厂的兴建,不是在深山峡谷就是在荒山野坝,每条线路架设都要攀越高山,穿过森林。在艰苦复杂的工程面前,电力工人吃苦耐劳勇于奋斗,战胜了种种困难,建起了一座座电厂,架设了一条条输电线路,我省电力工业得到了快速发展,从1949年装机仅1.45万千瓦,年发电量仅5100万千瓦时,发展到现在装机已达370多万千瓦,年发电量超过163亿千瓦时,装机容量和年发电量分别增长255倍和319倍。在电力职工艰苦创业 Hard work and struggle are the fine tradition of our party and the spiritual driving force for the development of electricity reform. To carry out hard and fine traditional education, carry forward the spirit of hard work and courage, and play an important role in the creation of civilized units in the power industry. First, hard work is the fine tradition of the power industry Review of the province’s power development, the construction of each power plant, not in the deep mountain gorge is in the barren mountain field dam, each line erection must climb the mountain, through the forest. In the face of arduous and complicated projects, the power workers have to work hard and courageously to fight and overcome all kinds of difficulties. A power plant has been built and a power transmission line has been set up. The power industry in the province has developed rapidly, and installed only 145 MW in 1949. The annual power generation capacity is only 51 million kilowatt-hours, and the current installed capacity has reached more than 3.7 million kilowatts. The annual power generation capacity exceeds 16.3 billion kwh, and the installed capacity and annual power generation increase by 255 times and 319 times respectively. Employees in power struggle for business
学习邯钢经验 实际扭亏为盈刘1995年初,鞍钢由于产品合同量不足和销售价格低以及设备检修集中等原因,造成产量下降,物耗上升,固定费用增加,加重了企业成本负担,致使1、2月份分别亏损0.88亿元
云南省鲁布革发电厂位于滇黔桂三省交界的黄泥河上.全厂装机61.2万千瓦,是我国第一个采用国际招标, The Lubuge Power Plant in Yunnan Province is located on the Huangni
本文在民族国家的视野下,从守住民族文化之根、凝聚民族之心、推动民族文化进步三个方面,对中国共产党的文化担当进行了深入解读。 Under the perspective of nation-state,
青衣江畔,乐山市伏龙工业开发区,一片经开山填土,新开出的180亩土地上,正在建设年产10万立方米薄型中密度纤维板的中外合资乐山吉象人造林制品有限公司。 这个被四川省省委