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南瓜苗的嫩梢、嫩茎节、嫩叶片和嫩叶柄,以及嫩花茎、花苞均可食用,近年来已经成为城乡菜市场的蔬菜品种之一。我地采用多种栽培模式,高密度、多茬次生产南瓜苗,不仅满足了本地市场的需要,还出口日本、东南亚等地,取得了较高的经济效益。现将其栽培技术介绍如下: 1.品种选择和种子处理 品种以当地优良地方品种为佳。我们用的是黄瓢南瓜、磨盘南瓜、枕头南瓜和长柄 Pumpkin seedling shoots, tender stem section, tender leaves and tender petiole, as well as tender stems, buds are edible, in recent years has become a vegetable market in urban and rural areas one of the varieties of vegetables. I use a variety of cultivation modes, high density, multiple crop production pumpkin seedlings, not only to meet the needs of the local market, but also exported to Japan, Southeast Asia and other places, and achieved high economic benefits. Now its cultivation techniques are as follows: 1. Variety selection and seed treatment Varieties to local good local varieties better. We use yellow scoop squash, grindstone pumpkin, pillow pumpkin and long handle
【摘 要】滴灌种植苜蓿与传统方式种植苜蓿相比优势明显,呈现出发芽快,出苗齐,长势快等优点;并且节水效能明显,管理方便,能让水肥更好的被作物吸收,提高了产量。  【关键词】苜蓿滴灌工程;管网布置;效益分析  1.苜蓿滴灌工程  1.1实施苜蓿滴灌工程的背景  塔城市是隶属新疆西北边陲塔城地区的一个农牧结合的市,经济发展缓慢。要改变现状必须发挥本地区农牧业资源的优势和充分利用好水资源。塔城地区经济结构
早春蕾系邹平县林业局1989年5月从春蕾桃中选出的特早熟单株,经多代高接观察和多点试验,发现其早熟性状稳定。1999年4月通过山东省农作物品种审定委员会审定定名。 1.主要性