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难忘的一九八四年,全国美术界举办规模空前的六届美展,并首次设立金、银、铜牌大奖,受到中央和有关部门的重视。美展评奖揭晓,我院获得二块金牌、二块银牌、三块铜牌的较好成绩,值得庆贺,希望把此作为“改革”“腾飞”的新起点。 从全国获奖情况按获金牌数比较,我省居省际第二位之一。从本省共获牌十块中我院获七块,我院其他参展作品与进京的优秀作品数也较可观。这是令人欢欣鼓午的,我们向作者祝贺,向为这次美展出力的同志致意。 从以上简况可以看出我院拥有一定的实力,有一支老、中、青优秀美术家,起着承前启后、代代相传的梯队作用,呈现出“青出于兰胜于兰”的可喜局面。 Unforgettable 1984, the fine arts exhibition in the nation has held an unprecedented six-time art exhibition. For the first time, gold, silver and bronze medals have been set up, attracting the attention of the Central Government and relevant departments. Art Exhibition Awards announced, our hospital won two gold medals, two silver medals, three bronze medals better performance, it is worth celebrating, hope this as a “reform” “take-off” a new starting point. According to the number of gold medals won by the national awards, our province ranks second in the province. From our province won ten cards in our hospital won seven, our other exhibition works and the number of outstanding works into Beijing is also more substantial. It is a joyous celebration. We congratulate the author and pay tribute to the comrades who have contributed to this exhibition. From the above briefing, we can see that our college has a certain strength. There is an excellent artist of old, middle and young people who plays the role of echelon, handed down from generation to generation and presents the gratifying situation of “youth out in Lan Sheng Yu Lan”.
(一) 象征主义出现于19世纪末,他们的作品,不仅运用象征寓意的艺术手法,更重要的是,其内容富有幻梦似的神秘感和隐喻的哲理性,又具强烈的、动人的形式感。象征主义艺术不象