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他,九三学社社员,其人其药荣列《名医名药》一书;他,93年荣获华夏德才兼备优秀人物“光荣称号”;他,为无数各类结石患者解除了痛苦而赢得了众人深深的信赖与赞扬。他就是位于郑州市商城路管城东街20号的河南省医学会疑难病医院结石专科主任彭德军大夫,彭大夫出身中医世家,其祖父为医多年频得口碑,彭德军自幼耳濡目染,使之与医学结下了不解之缘。他先后学习熟记了《千金要方》、《外台秘要》等医典,书中精髓奥旨,其祖父一一指教,使之受益非浅。他20岁应征入伍,不久进入部队军医学院深造,毕业后从事胆肾结石医疗工作。家庭熏陶,大学深造及多年的临床实践,使彭德军医学知识日益丰厚。他转业进入地方医院后,在医疗实践中观察发现;许多胆肾结石患者手术后三五年又复发,微波碎石又不易使碎石排出,而进口药价格昂贵使患者难以承受。为研制一种融消炎止痛、溶石排石、抑止结石再生等功效为一体的良药,把消石、排石、抑止结石再生作为主攻方向。天道酬勤,彭德军凭着系统掌握的中医理论和弘扬祖国医学之精神,从研究前人验方入手,取其精华,结合现代医学知识抓住胆管梗阻造成不通的主要矛盾,以中医“以通为用”的理论作指导,研制成功了疏肝理气、消热化湿,利胆排石的结石新药,即“消石制胆散”、“化石胶囊”和“牛胆消炎汤”系列药物,从而开创了结石病非手术治疗的新途径。绎大量临床验证,该系列药配合使用能使胆道炎症很快消失,小结石 He, a member of the Society for Jiu San Society, was entitled “Famous Chinese Medicine” in his medicine. He won the honorable title of “Chinese Medicine with Excellent Moral Character” in 1993 and “Glorious Title.” He won the pain of numerous patients with various types of stones All people deeply trust and praise. He is located in the city of Zhengzhou City Road 20 on the tube Chengdong Street, Henan Medical Association, director of stone specialist Peng Dejun doctor, Dr. Peng was born in family medicine, his grandfather for many years to get word of mouth, Peng Dejun from childhood, so that The bond between medicine and medicine. He has successively learned to memorize the medical books, such as “daughter to party”, “secrets outside the desk”, the essence and purpose of the book, and his grandfather one by one, so as to benefit greatly. He was enlisted at the age of 20, and soon entered the military academy of military studies, after graduation in gallstone kidney stone medical work. Family nurturing, university education and years of clinical practice, so that Peng Dejun increasingly lucrative medical knowledge. After he was transferred to a local hospital, he was observed in medical practice. Many patients with gallstone disease recurred again three to five years after surgery. Microwave gravel was not easy to expel the gravel, and expensive imported drugs made the patients unbearable. For the development of a melting anti-inflammatory painkillers, dissolved stone row of stones, stone and other effects of inhibiting the regeneration of stones as one of the good medicine, stone, stone row, stone inhibition as the main direction of regeneration. According to the theory of Chinese medicine mastered by the system and carrying forward the spirit of medicine in the motherland, Peng Dejun started with studying the prescriptions of the ancestors and taking the essence of it. Combining modern medical knowledge to seize the main contradiction caused by bile duct obstruction, Through the use of “theory as a guide, the successful development of the Shugan Qi, heat and dampness, gall stones row of new stones, that is, ” Niu Dan anti-inflammatory soup "series of drugs, thus creating a new way of non-surgical treatment of stone disease. Interpretation of a large number of clinical validation, the series of drugs used in conjunction with biliary inflammation can quickly disappear, small stones