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任何制度保障,都是在现实的社会实践中通过制度建设逐步形成、完善的。制度建设必须体现集体思维中逻辑的精神、意义和作用,以促成和谐社会的生成。在此过程中,有几个问题需要思考。一是如何给予道义逻辑的思维必然性以现实保证;二是如何在通过制度建设,促成和谐社会生成的过程中,提高我们的人文精神;三是如何在通过制度建设,促成和谐社会生成的过程中,体会任何制度创新都有和谐社会的伦理基础;任何制度创新都是为和谐社会服务的。从而体现在制度创新中的思维方法论意义。 Any system of protection, are in the actual social practice through the system construction and gradually formed and perfect. System construction must embody the logic, meaning and function of collective thinking so as to promote the formation of a harmonious society. In the process, there are several issues that need thinking. The first is how to give the logical necessity of the moral logic to ensure the reality; the second is how to improve our humanism in the process of system construction and the formation of a harmonious society; third, how to promote the formation of a harmonious society through system construction , Realize that any system innovation has the ethical foundation of a harmonious society; any institutional innovation is to serve the harmonious society. Which reflects the methodological significance of thinking in system innovation.
风雨之中,因车祸致使囚车报废,执行押解任务的武警战士在身体负伤的情况下,忍着剧痛与13名企图逃跑的犯人展开了一场没有硝烟的战斗…… During the storm, armed police of
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1、花园小区新楼盘开始销售了,新楼共有6层高,钱红在该小区购得一处新房,新房在6楼。 1, the new residential real estate sales began, the new building a total of 6 s
亚当·斯密(1723-1790年) 英国古典政治经济学奠基人,他在1766年发表的《关于国民财富的本质和原因的研究》,第一次系统地说明了资产阶级政治经济学的基本原理,阐述了劳动是