Analysis of a wavelength selectable cascaded DFB laser based on the transfer matrix method

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong541
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A novel cascaded DFB laser,which consists of two serial gratings to provide selectable wavelengths,is presented and analyzed by the transfer matrix method.In this method,efficient facet reflectivity is derived from the transfer matrix built for each serial section and is then used to simulate the performance of the novel cascaded DFB laser through self-consistently solving the gain equation,the coupled wave equation and the current continuity equations.The simulations prove the feasibility of this kind of wavelength selectable laser and a corresponding designed device with two selectable wavelengths of 1.51μm and 1.53μm is realized by experiments on InP-based multiple quantum well structure. A novel cascaded DFB laser, which consists of two serial gratings to provide selectable wavelengths, is presented and analyzed by the transfer matrix method. In this method, efficient facet reflectivity is derived from the transfer matrix built for each serial section and is then used to simulate the performance of the novel cascaded DFB laser through self-consistently solving the gain equation, the coupled wave equation and the current continuity equations.The simulations prove the feasibility of this kind of wavelength selectable laser and a corresponding designed device with two selectable wavelengths of 1.51μm and 1.53μm is realized by experiments on InP-based multiple quantum well structure.
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