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赵书年先生是我国老一辈著名火花收藏家。本刊编者久仰其大名,却从未谋面。去年,蒙开封火柴厂蔺理生工程师引介,有幸与赵老建立联系,书信往来,交谊渐深,并多蒙其赐教,得益匪浅。最近赵老先生给编者来信,谈及编辑全国火花目录之事,并提出了具体的建议。回想起今年四月份,扬州火花收藏家宋继先先生也曾来信建议全国各地花友编写地区火柴工业史(包括火花史),我们认为这个意见很好,便在《火花之友》第13期上发表了专文推介,各地多种火花民刊也予以转载,得到许多花友的热烈响应。如今,赵老先生又提出先由各地花友编辑地区火花目录,然后再整理汇编成全国火花目录的建议,与宋先生的建议有异曲同工之妙,也是非常好、非常及时的。他身体力行,正在着手编辑开封市的火花目录。赵老这种老骥伏枥、志在千里的精神,着实令人感动。编辑火花目录,是花友们企盼已久的事,是功德无量的大善举,也是时代赋于我们这一代的任务;许多老一辈火花收藏家健在,对编目是个非常有利的条件。否则,随着岁月的流逝和世事的变迁,许多资料可能散失,由后代来完成这项工作困难就更大了。 Mr. Zhao Shounian is a famous spark collector of the older generation in our country. Our editor has long known its name, but never met. Last year, the introduction of an engineer at the match making factory of Meng Kaifeng, Lin Lusheng, was fortunate enough to establish contact with Zhao Lao and write letters and correspondence, deepening his friendship and greatly benefiting from his enlightenment. Recently, Mr. Zhao Lao wrote a letter to the editor about the editing of the national spark catalog and made specific suggestions. In retrospect, in April this year, Mr. Song Jixian, a spark collector in Yangzhou, also wrote a letter to Huacou in all parts of the country to write a regional history of matchmaking industry (including history of sparks). We think this is a very good opinion and will be published in the 13th issue of Friends of Sparks The introduction of the text, a variety of sparks around the public also be reproduced, get many enthusiastic response. Today, Mr. Zhao Lao also proposed to edit the Spark Directory of local regions first and then to organize the proposal compiled into the national spark catalog. It is also very good and very timely with the suggestion of Mr. Song. He took the initiative to edit the spark catalog in Kaifeng. Zhao Lao this old man stable, the spirit of striving for thousands of miles, really moving. Editing the Spark Directory is a long-awaited thing for our friends. It is a great move that brings merit and meritorious deeds. It is also the task entrusted to our generation by the times. Many older spark collectors are still alive and well placed to catalog. Otherwise, with the passage of time and changes in the world, much information may be lost and it will be even more difficult for future generations to complete the task.
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