
来源 :中国设备管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sujie0888
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今年的12月9日是中国设备管理协会成立十周年纪念日。辽宁省设协组织有关人员座谈,对中设协成立表示纪念,同时肯定了多年来的工作,讨论了在加快改革开放的新形势下,设协工作还要继续为企业服务,为国民经济再上新台阶创造条件。 辽宁省是国家“一五”期间建设起来的老工业基地,现有设备固定资产原值800多亿元。多年来,这些设备在国民经济中发挥了重大作用。因此,进一步加强设备管理工作,提高企业装备素质,对发展生产和提高企业经济效益是十分重要的。多年来,辽宁省设备管理协会在协助政府管理、为企业服务活动中主要做了以下几项有益的工作: 1.认真开展学习、宣传贯彻落实《设备管理条例》和省《实施细则》 学习、宣传、贯彻《条例》是协会的职责。五年来,共举办《条例》学习班200期,参加人员2万多人。通过学习,使大家明确了中国特色的设备综合管理模式, This year’s December 9th is the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the China Equipment Management Association. The Liaoning Provincial Association organized the relevant personnel to hold a seminar and commemorated the establishment of the China Design Association. At the same time, it affirmed the work over the years and discussed that under the new situation of accelerating reform and opening up, the association association work should continue to serve the enterprise, and for the national economy. Create new conditions on new steps. Liaoning Province is an old industrial base built during the country’s “1st Five-year Plan” period. The original value of the fixed assets of the existing equipment is more than 80 billion yuan. Over the years, these devices have played a major role in the national economy. Therefore, it is very important to further strengthen equipment management and improve the quality of enterprise equipment, and to develop production and improve the economic efficiency of enterprises. Over the years, the Liaoning Equipment Management Association has mainly done the following useful work in assisting government management and corporate service activities: 1. Carry out serious studies, publicize and implement the “Regulations on Equipment Management” and the “Implementation Rules” of the province, It is the association’s responsibility to publicize and implement the “Regulations”. In the past five years, 200 “Regulations” classes have been held and more than 20,000 participants have participated. Through learning, we made clear the comprehensive management mode of equipment with Chinese characteristics.
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