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北京时间8月13日凌晨,伦敦奥运会落下帷幕,中国代表团收获了38枚金牌,打破了6项世界纪录和6项奥运纪录,这成为中国代表团境外参赛的最好成绩。本届奥运会,移动终端作为媒介黑马强势崛起,成为了继传统互联网之后第二大的资讯获取 Beijing time on the morning of August 13, the London Olympics came to an end, the Chinese delegation won 38 gold medals, breaking the six world records and six Olympic records, which became the Chinese delegation’s best entry outside the competition. The current Olympic Games, mobile terminals as a powerful dark horse media has become the second largest after the traditional Internet access to information
时代精神是指每一个时代特有的普遍精神实质,是超脱个人意志的一种集体意志。一个民族的发展需要一种民族精神作为精神动力,一个国家的发展同样需要一种时代精神的引领。 Th
As to the safety threats faced by sensor networks (SN),nodes limitations of computation,memory and communication,a secure location algorithm (node cooperative s
IPv6 protocol plays an important role in the next generation of Internet(NGI) . It is expected that the elegant coexistence of IPv4 and IPv6 is the key point of
忘记近期的网灾,多看看生产力提高的迹象。人们不禁赞叹:新经济挑战着发展速度的极限,正在步入佳境。 “这个世界变得真快!”说这话的是经济学家哈尔·瓦里安,他生活在美国新
As an important secure routing mechanism,multi-path routing is one of the major ways to improve network efficiency and to guarantee the network security,which e
摘要:在详细地分析了目前电子图书管理所面临的主要问题的基础上,对如何进行电子图书的安全防护阐述了个人的观点。  关键词:电子图书;安全;防护技术  中图分类号:G255 文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-3044(2008)20-30388-03    Characteristics and Safety Protection Techniques of Electric Books Manage