全国文献资源调研分报告之八 我国高等学校的文献资源现状分析与布局研究

来源 :图书馆学通讯(中国图书馆学报) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:panyh921
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参加本次文献资源调查的高等学校图书馆是能满足培养硕士研究生以上水平的教学和科学研究需要的文献收藏单位。1988年,我国共有普通高等学校1075所,文献收藏总量为39329万册。能培养博士、硕士研究生的高校共394所。参加本次调查的高等学校有326所,占高等学校总数的30%,占设有博士硕士学位点高校数的83%。326所图书馆共收藏文献21766.3万册,占高校文献总收藏量的55%。有几所馆藏量比较大,在本类型图书馆中占有一定地位的高等学校图书馆没有参加调查,本报告统计列表时对此作有说明。参加本次调查的还有一些党校和军队院校图书馆。为了便于与其它有关资料对照,本文只分析全日 The Libraries of colleges and universities participating in the investigation of this literature resource are the units that can meet the needs of teaching and scientific research to cultivate master’s degree or above. In 1988, there were 1075 ordinary colleges and universities in our country, with a total of 393.29 million documents collected. 394 universities and colleges that can train doctoral and master degree students. There are 326 institutions of higher learning participating in this survey, accounting for 30% of the total number of institutions of higher learning, accounting for 83% of the total number of colleges and universities having a doctoral master’s degree program. 326 libraries collected a total of 217.663 million documents, accounting for 55% of the total collection of college literature. There are a few collections that are relatively large, and the university libraries that occupy a certain position in this type of library do not participate in the survey. This is illustrated in the statistical list of this report. There are also some party schools and military academy libraries participating in this survey. In order to facilitate comparison with other relevant information, this article only analyzes the whole day
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比萨这座位于意大利中部古城之所以世界驰名,比萨斜塔功不可没。如果比萨的钟楼不是倾斜了,而是平平稳稳循规蹈矩,那它还会这么有名,每年吸引数十万的游客到此一游吗? Pisa