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邓拓同志是党的新闻战线上的一位卓越的领导人,笔走龙蛇,文论纵横,二十几年如一日.在战争年代的晋察冀日报,我曾经有幸在他直接领导下工作过三年。当时我刚到报社,对于办报完全是外行。三年中间,邓拓同志耳提面命,言传身教,使我受益良多。邓拓同志离开我们已经二十年了,但飞驰的岁月 Comrade Deng T’ao, a brilliant leader on the party’s news front, has written and taken drastic steps in his literary theory in the past 20 years as one day. In the Jin-Jin-Ji Daily in the war years, I was fortunate to be under his direct leadership Worked for three years. At the time, I just arrived at the newspaper office and was absolutely a layman for the newspaper. In the middle of the past three years, Comrade Deng Tau has taken merit and learned from words and deeds so that I can benefit greatly. Comrade Deng Tau has been away from us for two decades, but speeding years
There is increasing evidence that pathogens do not only elicit direct defense responses,but also cause pronounced changes in primary carbohydrate metabolism.Cel
Hexoses accumulate to high concentrations(~200 mM)in storage parenchyma cells of tomato fruit.Hexoses are sourced from the fruit apoplasm as hydrolysis products
Heterosis,or hybrid vigor,is one of the most important tools in plant breeding and has previously been demonstrated for plant freezing tolerance.Freezing tolera
Recent reports suggest that exposure to stress is capable of influencing the frequency and patte of inherited changes in various parts of the genome.In this rev