Effect of filler on the self-lubrication performance of graphite antimony composites

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ankang1991
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Graphite antimony composites were prepared using a mechanical pressure infiltration method to force molten antimony into graphite preforms having a percolation micro-structure and a hop-pocket power filler. The micro-structural and macroscopic properties of the graphite antimony composites were analysed. Observations included metallographic analysis, physical properties and friction and wear behaviour. The results show that the wear loss is decreased by 12.24% and that the friction coefficient is re-duced by 32.61% after hop-pocket power was used. The research indicates that the hop-pocket power method gives a useful way to reduce friction coefficients and wear loss, and to increase service life and self-lubrication properties, of the graphite antimony seal-ing material as compared to carbon black. Graphite antimony composites were prepared using a mechanical pressure infiltration method to force molten antimony into graphite preforms having a percolation micro-structure and a hop-pocket power filler. The micro-structural and macroscopic properties of the graphite antimony composites were analysed. Observations included metallographic analysis of physical properties and friction and wear behavior. The results show that the wear loss is decreased by 12.24% and that the friction coefficient is re-duced by 32.61% after hop-pocket power was used. The research indicates that the hop-pocket power method gives a useful way to reduce friction coefficients and wear loss, and to increase service life and self-lubrication properties, of the graphite antimony seal-ing material as compared to carbon black.
The reconfigurable manufacturing system(RMS) is the next step in manufacturing,allowing the production of any quantity of highly customized and complex parts to
上世纪80年代,沉睡了千年的宁夏灵武瓷窑终于散发出光芒。1986年,中国社会科学院考古所研究员马文宽教授在内蒙古进行考古发掘,他在清理一座西夏 80s of last century, slee
<正> 怀素《论书帖》中"彦清"款记考辨辽宁省博物馆所藏怀素《论书帖》卷后另纸上有元人张晏、赵孟頫题跋(图一、二),两跋前后相接,"彦清"是赵跋中上款。考此两跋,原系怀素《