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梅秀镇,今年七十二岁了。一九五七年范县档案馆一建立,他就出任馆长,到一九八一年离休,在案牍之间整整操劳了二十多年。要离休了,从此就这样离开顷注了全部心血的档案馆吗?他,心酸了,在通往档案馆的小路上出现了老梅那徘徊不定的身影。然而,一个老党员,一名档案战线上的老战士,范县档案工作创始者的事业性,携带着巨大的惯性,冲击着他的心房。他毅然决定,人离心不离,要为档案事业贡献余热。他仍掉了手中的烟蒂,大步地走进档案馆,作了离休后的重要抉择。做过档案工作的人都知道,业务指导比较辛苦,常常是跑断腿、磨破嘴。范县档案局人员较少,忙不过来,梅秀镇便主动请缨。县供销社档案工作比较后进,他多次前往,找领导、找同志,谈思想,谈认识,反 Mei Xiuzhen, seventy-two years old this year. As soon as the Fanxian Archives was established in 1957, he became the director until he retired in 1981, working for more than 20 years between the cases. To leave, since then leave all the hard-edged archives? He, sad, appeared in the path leading to the archives of the old Maya wandering figure. However, the career nature of an old party member, an old warrior on the file front and the founder of Fanxian archives carries a huge inertia and shocks his atrium. He resolutely decided that people should leave their heart and leave heart to contribute waste heat to the archives business. He still lost his cigarette butts, marched into the archives and made an important decision after his retirement. People who have done the file work know that business guidance is more difficult, often run the broken leg, worn away. Fan County Archives less staff, busy, Mei Xiuxiu volunteered. County supply and marketing agency archives work later, he repeatedly went to find leadership, looking for comrades, talk about thinking, understanding, anti
Web offers a very convenient way to access remote information resources, an important measurement of evaluating Web services quality is how long it takes to sea
蒋介石、阎锡山之间的明争暗斗历时数十年,有时剑拔弩张,兵戎相见,有时握手言欢,互相利用。本文记述的是抗日战争期间发生在晋西地区的一场蒋、阎暗斗。 晋西事变后,阎锡山
All-to-all personalized communication,or complete exchange,is at the heart of numerous applications in paral-lel computing.It is one of the most dense communica