Analyses of gene effects and inheritance of resistance to bacterial blight in rice

来源 :中国水稻研究通报:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tianzh
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<正> We analyzed the resistant inheritance of a japonica variety, Jia23, to two bacterial blight pathogen strains, KS—6—6 and Zhe 173, representing respectively the two predominant pathogenic types (Ⅱ and Ⅳ) in the rice cropping area along the Yangtz
教材分析   本课是苏教版四年级上册《品德与社会》第三单元中的第三课,教材分为《生活中的塑料制品》、《白色污染》、《怎样减少白色污染》三个板块。课文紧紧抓住“塑料”这一现代工业品的典型,让学生了解到塑料的特点及其为人们生活带来的便利;初步感知塑料废弃品处置不当造成的危害;学会通过事例分析工业与人们生活的关系,辩证地看待工业文明。结合单元主题,我想通过这一课的学习与活动,让学生能够了解塑料与我们的
<正> It is desirable to obtain an early-rice varietywith deep dormancy characteristics because inthe southern rice cultivation area of China,thesprouting on pan
High photosynthetic productivity and wide photosynthetic adaptability are two important physiological characteristics for the sustained high yield and wider gro
<正> The leaf streak of rice is one of the seedborne and quarantine bacterial disease in China. The rice seeds must be strictly inspected to prevent the disease