蜀桧是圆柏属的常绿乔木,为桧柏的一个栽培变种。其主干通直,生长迅速,枝叶茂盛,色泽翠绿,结构紧密,树冠呈圆锥(柱)形,是优良的园林绿化树种之一。惟本市母树少,且多在冬,春进行大穗扦插,故繁殖系数较低。1984年我们进行了蜀桧大、中,小穗四季扦插育苗试验,现己取得良好效果。 一、选地与作床 试验地设在赣榆县朱堵乡林业站、花圃和住宅区院内。试验时选避风、向阳,地势平坦,排灌方便的中性沙壤、酸性山地棕壤和脱盐的碱性壤土地段,先反复耕翻两次,结合
Shu juniper is an evergreen arborvitae tree, a cultivated variety of juniper cypress. Its trunk straight, rapid growth, lush foliage, green color, compact structure, the crown was conical (column) shape, is one of the fine landscape trees. However, the city less mother trees, and more in winter, spring big spike cuttings, so the reproductive coefficient is low. In 1984, we carried out Shu cypress big, medium and small spike four season cutting seedling experiment, and now we have achieved good results. First, the election site and the bed experimentally located in Gudong County Zhu blocking rural forestry station, flower garden and residential area hospital. During the experiment, we selected sheltered soil, sunny, flat terrain, neutral sandy soil with convenient irrigation and drainage, acidic mountainous brown soil and desalinated alkaline loam soil.