京九铁路将于1996年初正式通车,这对于京、津、冀、鲁、豫、皖、鄂、赣7省2市来说,无疑是天赐良机!未雨绸缪,几乎是与“京九”立项、开工修建的同时,沿线各路“诸侯”便闻风而动,紧紧围绕着“抓京九机遇,抢登京九制高点”的问题展开了激烈的市场大角逐。他们明争暗比,各施奇招,使开发大京九的热浪汹涌澎湃,创建京九明星城的呼声山鸣谷应,抢登京九制高点的争雄如火如荼…… 京九机遇为何具有那么大的吸引力?而各路“诸侯”为抢占先机,如何摆兵布阵、决战京九?夏末秋初,记者到京九沿线采访,耳闻目睹了如下实况——
Beijing-Kowloon Railway will be officially opened to traffic in early 1996, which is undoubtedly a godsend for Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, Hubei and Jiangxi provinces and cities. At the same time of the commencement of construction, “princes” along the roads walked closely and launched a fierce market competition closely around the issue of “grasping the opportunity of Beijing-Jiushou and grabbing the commanding height of the Jingjiu Campaign.” They clearly compete with each other and make extraordinary moves to make the heat waves of the development of the Great Beijing-Kowloon Bay surging and create the voice of the Beijing-Kowloon Star City. The valley of mountains and valleys should grab the battle of the height of the Beijing-Kowloon highlands. Big attraction? And various “princes” to seize the initiative, how to put troops on the lineup, the decisive battle Jingji? Late summer and early autumn, the reporter interviewed along the Beijing-Kowloon, heard and heard the following live -