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世界卫生组织调查指出,人类疾病80%与水有关。 据统计,每年世界上有2500万名以上的儿童因饮用被污染的水而死亡。 有关资料显示,中国有24%的人饮用不良水质的水,约 1000万人饮用高氟水,约3000人饮用高硬质水,5000万人饮用高氟化物水,而这些数据每 According to the World Health Organization survey, 80% of human diseases are related to water. It is estimated that more than 25 million children in the world die each year from drinking polluted water. Information shows that 24% of people in China drink unhealthy water, about 10 million people drink high-fluoride water, about 3,000 drink hard water and 50 million people drink high-fluoride water, and each of these data
Objective:to study the effects of genistein on hematopoiesis and surivial of irradiated mice. Methods: adult male mice were administered orally with genisstein(
患儿女 ,因孕 40周胎儿宫内窘迫 ,剖宫产出生。体重 3 8kg ,Apgar评分 1分钟、5分钟均评 10分 ,生后查体无异常。母孕期体健 ,否认患病服药史。患儿生后 6h起哭闹不安。体检 :体温36
Taurine is known to act as an osmoregulator and an inhibitory neuromodulator in central nervous system.Recent researches suggest that taurine Selves as a neuropr
Backgrounds: Cholesterols are the main components of the cell membrane,and play an important role in maintaining normal membrane structure and function. Lovasta
我院过去采用 1∶8次氯酸垫铺以减少从外面带入手术室的细菌及污染因素 ,达到减菌的目的。近年有不少医疗机构采用了适安垫 ,为比较两种垫子的减菌效果 ,我们进行了两种垫子
如果说郑渊洁是一个品牌,郑亚旗就是这个品牌的运作者,只不过他们有那么一点关系——父子。父亲是艺术家,儿子是个商人。 If Zheng Yuanjie is a brand, Zheng Yaqi is the
便携、全功能、高性能,这是商务用户对于投影机的主要诉求,而索尼的VPL-DX15中就同时汇集了这三大特质,因此成为商务用户的主流之选。 Portable, full-featured, high-perfo