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丰镇县黑圪达窊乡是个典型的旱作农业区,在全乡没有一亩水浇地又连续两年严重干旱的情况下,他们采取了秋耕、磙压、耙耱、养猪积肥,增施有机肥料、兴建防护林网等一系列旱作措施,1987年8万多亩粮食作物,获得粮食总产5332吨,油料总产800吨的好收成,大小畜纯增41.5%,人均年收入302元,成了乌盟地区战胜干旱夺取丰收的先进乡。他们采取的主要措施是: Fengtai County, Heilongjiang Dalai Township is a typical dry farming areas, in the township, there is no one acre of irrigated land for two consecutive years of severe drought, they took the autumn plow, pressure, rake, swine fertilizer , Increasing organic fertilizers and building shelterbelt network. A total of 80,000 mu of grain crops were obtained in 1987, obtaining 5332 tons of grain output and a good yield of 800 tons of total output of oil products. The size of livestock and poultry increased by 41.5% Income of 302 yuan, became the Umhmer region to win the harvest of drought advanced countryside. The main measures they take are:
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Optic neuritis presentations are thought to have a better prognosis. The aim of our study was to compare conversion to multiple sclerosis on the different topog
Objective: To investigate whether Unverricht-Lundborg disease (ULD) and Laf ora body disease (LBD) can be differentiated on the basis of their neurophysiolo gic
8月17日 晴  暑假生活真是丰富多彩。你可能浏览了风景名胜,可能参加了有意义的活动,也可能帮父母做了一些力所能及的事。而我,则去了著名的上海迪士尼乐园!  可取票时,发现刷不出票,爸爸急得问工作人员,又打电话查票,最后发现是因为迪士尼乐园刚开,取票系统不稳定引起的。白白浪费了半个多小时。不过,我很开心,因为我们马上就可以进园玩了,也因为我学会了遇事就要冷静沉着,想办法解决问题。想想當时我心急如焚
2013年7月25日,美国能源信息署(EIA)发布“国际能源展望2013”(International Energy Outlook2013)报告指出:从2010年到2040年,全球能源消费量或将大增56%,而其中接近半数的
Background: Very few population based cohort studies have focused on the long term recurrence of stroke. Objective: To examine 10 year c umulative recurrence ra