Five Places Where Cats Outshine Tourist Attractions 猫咪比景点吸睛的五处地方

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  Whole families are staring at a hole on the ground at Largo Argentina, the square in Rome. It was a special hole that kept the ruins2 of the theater and temple where Julius Caesar was assassinated3. But the kids weren’t there for the history. They were there for the cats. Here are more introductions of some tourist areas where cats have the run.
  1. Rome’s kitty ruins
  Rome’s noble ruins are favorite places of feral4 cats. These ruins at Largo Argentina host an open-air cat areas that’s more than just a good show for visiting and local children. The “gatti di Roma” star on postcards and wall calendars5 sold all over the city.
  1. 罗马的猫咪遗址
  2. Japan’s cat islands
  Tashirojima is the best-known cat island in Japan. Tashirojima’s cute inhabitants6 are well cared for by local fishermen, who hope to make a good catch by leaving offerings at a cat shrine7. Amazingly, the number of the island’s cats is more than its human population.
  2. 日本猫岛
  3. Houtong, Taiwan
  The town of Houtong, Taiwan, fell into well-known feline8 land by accident. Houtong once sat on top of Taiwan’s largest coal mine. When the mine closed in the 1990s, the town’s population was cut down badly. Then some new inhabitants arrived. Many visitors are brought here because of these lovely kitties and post their photos on the Facebook and Flickr.
  3. 猴硐,台湾
  4. Kalkan Cats, Turkey
  A pretty resort9 on Turkey’s Turquoise Coast, Kalkan is another tourist spot with an active cat protection group. Established in 2008, KAPSA is a voluntary group, which cares for more than a thousand cats. Animal loving visitors usually give up vacation time to help out and share their experiences and pho-tos on the Friends of KAPSA Facebook group.
  4. 卡爾坎的猫,土耳其
  5. Hemingway’s cats, Florida Keys
  Ernest Hemingway, besides being well-known as a great writer, was also a cat lover. In the Ernest Hemingway Home and Museum, his 1850s house is a home of six-toed cats. In 1930s, he was given a white six-toed cat named Snowball. Some of Snowball’s descendants10 are among 50 inhabitants of the historic home today.
  5. 海明威的猫,佛罗里达群岛


  1. outshine vt. 使相形见绌;胜过;比……更亮
  2. ruin n. 废墟
  3. assassinate v. 刺杀
  4. feral adj. 野生的
  5. calendar n. 日历
  6. inhabitant n. 居民
  7. shrine n. 圣地
  8. feline adj. 猫科的
  9. resort n. 度假胜地
  10. descendant n. 后代
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