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国家富强靠经济,经济兴旺靠企业,企业发达靠管理,管理成功靠文化。企业在国民经济中是一个相对独立的经济实体,是最基本的生产经营单位,也是一个相对独立的文化单元。企业发展的好坏,也和企业文化建设有着直接的联系,企业发展离不开文化,企业有竞争力,迎接入世挑战,更呼唤优秀企业文化。一、企业文化的发展过程和企业文化魅力所在企业文化是近代企业产生以来,在企业的生产经营活动中产生、发展起来的。企业文化的形成过程,是与企业建设、发展和企业职工队伍的成长过程同步的。企业文化作为一种文化现象,深受民族传统文化的影响,是在继承传统文化优秀成果的基础上建立和发展起来的,是社会文化在企业中的特殊表现形态。企业文化涵盖的内容很广泛,它包括企业哲学、以人为本思想、企业精神、企业形象、企业道德、企业风尚、企业民主、企业目标、企业制度、企业创新、企业环境、价值观念、经营理念、典范人物、习俗和礼 The country is rich and strong by economic and economic prosperity by the enterprises, developed by the management of enterprises, managed successfully by culture. Enterprises in the national economy is a relatively independent economic entity, is the most basic unit of production and operation, but also a relatively independent unit of culture. Enterprise development is good or bad, but also has a direct relationship with the building of enterprise culture, enterprise development is inseparable from the culture, competitiveness of enterprises, to meet the challenges of accession to the WTO, but also call the excellent corporate culture. First, the development process of corporate culture and corporate culture where the charm of corporate culture since the emergence of modern enterprises, production and business activities in the enterprise generated and developed. The formation process of corporate culture, with the construction and development of enterprises and the growth process of the workforce synchronization. As a kind of cultural phenomenon, corporate culture is deeply influenced by national traditional culture and is established and developed on the basis of inheriting the outstanding achievements of traditional culture. It is a special manifestation of social culture in the enterprise. Corporate culture covers a wide range of topics, including business philosophy, people-oriented thinking, entrepreneurship, corporate image, corporate ethics, corporate culture, corporate democracy, business goals, business systems, business innovation, business environment, values, business philosophy, model People, customs and ceremony
摘 要:阅读教学的切入点应是师生研读全文的一个突破口,这个切入点必须有较强的辐射性,有一定的深度。寻找文本解读的切入点,本文从七个方面作了分析。  关键词:寻找;文本;解读;切入点   中图分类号:G424 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2011)12-048-01        一、从文章的题眼切入,直达文本核心  优秀的作者总是在题目的设计上独具匠心。通过精心设计题目,来