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目的了解铁强化酱油对东北三省寄宿制学生缺铁性贫血的干预效果及学生对铁缺乏和铁强化酱油相关知识的知晓率,为探究更为有效的推广和干预途径提供参考。方法随机选择黑龙江、吉林和辽宁寄宿制中学学生321名作为研究对象开展基线调查;在该地区进行为期12个月的铁强化酱油补充膳食,并开展多种铁强化酱油健康教育及宣传工作;干预前、后分别测定血红蛋白含量及分析铁营养知识知晓情况。结果通过为期12个月的铁强化酱油膳食及健康教育干预,东北地区平均血红蛋白浓度由基线的(143.0±11.1)g/L上升到(147.9±10.5)g/L,其中男生平均血红蛋白浓度增加了6.9 g/L,女生平均增加了3.0 g/L,差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01);学生平均贫血患病率较干预前由4.7%下降到0.9%(P<0.01);男、女生贫血患病率分别下降了2.6%和4.7%;营养性贫血与铁有关、铁强化酱油具有预防贫血作用和铁强化酱油的知晓率由宣传前的25.9%,61.4%和32.1%增加到47.7%,76.6和61.7%(P值均<0.01);缺铁存在的症状中,易疲劳和容易感冒症状的知晓率由宣传前的32.7%和25.2%上升到46.4%和33.3%,差异有统计学意义(P值均<0.05);铁缺乏使学生抵抗力降低的知晓率由58.9%增加到60.7%(P<0.05)。补充微量营养素的好方法为食物营养,平衡膳食的知晓率由宣传前的71.3%增加到81.3%;营养素补充剂的知晓率由宣传前的27.1%增加到38.6%,不同途径干预前后差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01)。结论通过给予寄宿制中学学生铁强化宣传和膳食干预,可以有效提高学生血红蛋白水平和营养健康意识,最终达到预防和控制缺铁性贫血的目的。 Objective To understand the effect of iron-fortified soy sauce on iron-deficiency anemia among boarding students in three northeastern provinces and the students’ awareness of iron deficiency and iron-fortified soy sauce, so as to provide a reference for exploring more effective ways to promote and intervene. Methods A total of 321 randomly selected subjects from boarding schools in Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning Provinces were selected as research subjects to carry out baseline surveys. A 12-month iron fortified soy sauce supplemented diet was conducted in the area and various health education and publicity campaigns were conducted to strengthen soy sauce. Before and after the determination of hemoglobin content and analysis of iron nutrition knowledge of the situation. Results The average hemoglobin concentration in Northeast China rose from (143.0 ± 11.1) g / L to (147.9 ± 10.5) g / L, with an increase of average hemoglobin concentration in boys through a 12-month iron fortified soy diet and health education intervention (P <0.01). The prevalence of anemia among students dropped from 4.7% to 0.9% before intervention (P <0.01). The prevalence of anemia in boys and girls decreased by 2.6% and 4.7% respectively. Nutritional anemia was associated with iron. The awareness rate of iron-fortified soy sauce for preventing anemia and iron-fortified soy sauce increased from 25.9%, 61.4% and 32.1% before the publicity To 47.7%, 76.6% and 61.7%, respectively (all P <0.01). Among the symptoms of iron deficiency, the awareness rates of symptoms of fatigue and flu were increased from 32.7% and 25.2% before the publicity to 46.4% and 33.3% (P <0.05). The awareness rate of iron deficiency increased the resistance of students from 58.9% to 60.7% (P <0.05). A good way to supplement micronutrients is food nutrition, and the awareness rate of balanced diet increased from 71.3% to 81.3% before the publicity; the awareness rate of nutrient supplements increased from 27.1% before the publicity to 38.6% Statistical significance (P <0.01). Conclusion By giving boarding middle school students an intensive publicity and dietary intervention, the students’ hemoglobin level and nutrition and health awareness can be effectively improved, and eventually iron deficiency anemia can be prevented and controlled.
本文选择内蒙古地区价格低廉、来源广泛的沙柳、新疆杨、杏木和家榆4种木材,采用前期最佳工艺制备纤维状活性炭,除沙柳外其余3种木材对其吸附甲醛最佳活化温度进行探讨。甲醛吸附试验采用自改装环境箱对4种木材纤维状活性炭(Fiborous Activated carbon,FAC)进行自然吸附和强制吸附性能研究,通过木材主要化学成分、绝干密度和孔结构对4种木材纤维状活性炭吸附甲醛性能进行分析,得出初期试验结
<正>中国图书资料分类号:R742文献标识码:A帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease,PD)是一种较为常见的中枢神经系统变性疾病,其病变主要是由于中脑黑质致密部多巴胺(DA)能神经元变