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细支气管肺泡癌(以下称细支气管癌),原是少见的肺部恶性肿瘤,近年来似有逐渐增多的趋势,病因不明,但癌细胞起源目前认识已基本趋向统一。如能早期诊断,早期治疗,预后较支气管肺癌为佳。兹将我们的两例病历摘录如下: 例1,许某,男59岁,住院号42530,自1979年底开始胸闷、胸痛,约3个月余,后有咳嗽,咳少量粘液痰,吸烟史30余年,30~40支/日。左胸前,中下部有小湿罗音,右腋高有花生米大、左腋窝绿豆大之肿大淋巴结,游离无压痛,胸片示:左中一片浸润病灶。分层胸片未见块影。白细胞8200,中性60%,淋巴40%。痰多次找癌细胞及抗酸杆菌阴性。左腋窝淋巴结活检:反应性增生。用足理青霉素及链霉素治疗半月余,肺部病交不 Bronchioalveolar carcinoma (hereinafter referred to as bronchiolar carcinoma) is a rare malignant tumor of the lung. In recent years, it seems that there is a tendency of gradual increase. The cause is unknown, but the current understanding of the origin of cancer cells has been basically unified. Early diagnosis and early treatment are better than bronchial lung cancer. The two medical records of our case are excerpted as follows: Example 1, Xu Mou, male, 59 years old, hospitalization number 42530, chest distress and chest pain since the end of 1979, about 3 months later, later cough, small amount of mucus cough, smoking history 30 In the remaining years, 30 to 40 sticks/day. In the left chest, there was a small wet rale in the middle and lower parts, a large right kidney with a large peanut, and a large lymph node in the left axillary mung bean. There was no tenderness in the left armpit. The chest radiograph showed one infiltrating lesion in the left. Layered chest radiographs have no block shadows. WBC 8200, neutral 60%, lymph 40%. He has repeatedly found cancer cells and is resistant to acid bacteria. Left axillary lymph node biopsy: reactive hyperplasia. More than half a month after treatment with tocopheric penicillin and streptomycin, poorly delivered pulmonary disease
在一个人体上,先后发生不同类型的恶性肿瘤,临床上较少见。我们曾遇到4例,现报告如下: 例一:男,38岁。1972年5月因鼻衄行鼻咽粘膜活检,证实为鼻咽癌。转肿瘤医院放射治疗后
本文讨论了在结肠双对比造影中,用点片装置投照侧卧水平位的意义和价值。对操作技术作了介绍。分析15例结肠息肉的X线表现。肠壁轮廓线的交叉和气泡等必须和息肉鉴别。 This
一种皮下门静脉贮液器已经制成,用于向门静脉灌注化疗药物以治疗不能切除的转移性肝癌。作作者讨论一了这种装置的临床应用及效果。 A subcutaneous portal vein reservoir
化学感受器瘤并不常见,现将我科10余年来遇见的二例报告如下: 例1:女,51岁。患者因右上腹钝痛伴腹胀二天于1976年9月30日入内科,同年5月曾有类似发作,持续两天后缓解。检查: