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今春,木兰林管局创新春防工作思路、细化工作举措,全面贯彻落实上级防火工作安排,上下齐心、合力攻坚,交付了一份春防期间“零火灾”的好答卷。高度重视、认清形势,切实加强森林防火工作的责任感和紧迫感。木兰林管局春防期间更是将森林防火工作当作头等大事来抓,多次召开森林防火工作会议,对防火工作进行详细的安排部署。特别是清明节等关键节点,进一步强化大局意识和责任意识,坚决克 This spring, Mulan Forestry Authority innovative spring prevention work train of thought, detailed measures to fully implement the work of higher fire prevention work, from top to bottom concerted efforts to tackle tough, delivered during the Spring Festival defensive “zero fire” a good answer. Attach great importance to this situation and clearly understand the situation and earnestly strengthen the sense of responsibility and urgency in forest fire prevention work. During the spring prevention period in Mulan, the forest fire prevention work was taken as the top priority. The forest fire prevention work conference was held many times and the fire prevention work was arranged and arranged in detail. Especially the Ching Ming Festival and other key nodes, to further strengthen the overall sense of the sense of responsibility and resolutely grams
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