[本文摘自交通部《中国公路交通史》编审委员会编印的<公路史参考资料>第七期——1982年5月] 丝绸之路东以我国西安(长安)为起点,经陕西、甘肃、新疆越过中亚、西亚到地中海东岸。从公元前约三世纪到十三至十四世纪。东西海运畅通以前,这条公路是世界公路史上最有名的贯通东西方友好贸易与文化交流的陆路干线。它联结着世界文化发祥地的我国、印度、埃及和古希腊、罗马。几万公里的丝绸之路,在我国境内经过平川、高原、沙漠、雪山和冰峰,西至疏勒、喀什,其间
[This article is from the “History of China’s Road Traffic” compiled by the Editorial Committee of the Ministry of Communications, Issue No. 7 - May 1982] The Silk Road starts with Xi’an (Chang’an) in our country and passes through Shaanxi, Gansu, Xinjiang crossed Central Asia and West Asia to the east coast of the Mediterranean. From about the third century BC to the thirteenth to the fourteenth century. Before the east-west maritime transport was smooth, the road was the most famous land route linking friendly trade and cultural exchanges between the East and the West in the history of the world’s roads. It links China, India, Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome, the birthplace of world culture. Tens of thousands of kilometers of the Silk Road, in our country after Hirakawa, plateau, desert, snow-capped mountains and ice peaks, west Shule, Kashgar, during which