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翻开朱天文的《淡江记》,迎面一股清新。喜欢白底绿色小花的封面,喜欢她清瘦的字体,喜欢她利落、亮灿的文字风骨,明心见性,字句皆是丰姿,仿佛看一位少女,白底绿花连衣裙,走在明明亮亮的春风里。她在《吹梦到西洲》里意气畅然地写道:“……一筒烟花,即刻点燃了,一瞬间江面耀亮如白昼般,游人的脸映得似一朵朵昙花忽地都开了。那空中的飞花水里的流星啊,我想要把自己委身于一样什么?也许是一次即将来临的大浩劫,如《赤地之恋》里的戈珊和那时代所有的青年,委身于一次 Open Zhu Tianwen’s ”Tamkang Ji“, the face of a fresh. Like the cover of green flowers on white, like her lean fonts, like her neat, bright style of character, clear heart, the words are Fengzi, as if to see a girl, white flowers dress, Bright spring breeze. In her ”Dreaming in the West,“ she wrote plainly: ”... a tube of fireworks ignited momentarily and the surface of the river shone like a day, and the faces of visitors were blossoming in a pan The meteor in the sky, I want to commit myself to the same? Perhaps an upcoming catastrophe, such as “love of Red Earth” in Gosha and all the youth of that era, commitment to once
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在高考英语科考试中,书面表达仍是不少学生的薄弱环节,相当一部分学生下笔无言或一写就错。高考英语书面表达实际上是“指导性写作”(guided writing),该题对写作的目的、对
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按照中宣部、教育部围绕新中国成立60周年深入开展群众性爱国主义教育活动的通知和部署,北京市以广泛深入开展“我爱我的祖国”主题教育活动为抓手,积极探索符合青少年学 In