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军车号牌是重要的军用标志,是军车依法运行的重要凭证。一个时期以来,一些不法分子受利益驱使,大肆盗窃、伪造军车号牌假冒军车,从事违法犯罪活动,不仅破坏军队正常管理和军车运行秩序,干扰部队战备训练,而且损害军队声誉。自2006年7月开始,军地有关部门在全国重点地区组织开展了打击盗用、伪造军 Military license plate number is an important military symbol, is an important evidence of the operation of military vehicles in accordance with the law. Since a certain period, some unscrupulous elements, driven by interests, wantonly stealing and forging counterfeit military vehicles and engaging in criminal activities have not only undermined the normal management of the armed forces and the order of military vehicles, but also interfered with the readiness training of the troops and undermined the reputation of the military. Since July 2006, relevant departments of the PLA military have organized various activities in the key areas of the country to combat theft, counterfeiting
刑法修正案(七)中第三条对刑法201条偷税罪做了多处修改,具体涵盖了定罪标准、犯罪手段、出罪条款等数个方面。对危害税收征管犯罪的侦查均由公安机关管辖,刑法 Article 3 o
Ximeng Autonomous County forWa ethnic group is located in thesouthwest of Yunnan Province andborders with Burma.Ximeng is alsocalled Chenwa,meaning“a place wit
我部独立×中队,于八月一日会餐,吃臭鱼而产生食物中毒138人。现将临床材料整理报告如下,并加以讨论。病例分析发生率:该部266人,家属4人,未吃 Squadron of the Ministry o
为了探讨缺碘对儿童智力发育有无影响,我们于八三年四月对桃源县地甲病区的龙潭公社(患病率19%)、燕家坪公社(患病 In order to investigate whether iodine deficiency ha
《最高人民法院关于审理洗钱等刑事案件具体应用法律若干问题的解释》今年11月10日正式公布,并于11月11日正式实施。《解释》明确规定对以下六种洗钱行为应当依法追 “Supre
在中共中央地方病防治领导小组扩大会议召开的前夕,中共中央政治局委员、中共中央地方病防治领导小组组长李德生同志,于二月二十日至二十七日视察了吉林省吉林 On the eve
在一幢别墅里就可以完成住宿、会议、就餐、娱乐等多项需求,且别墅的环境独特,远望可见山见水,近看可见松见林。 In a villa you can complete the accommodation, meetings
我们于83年5月在光泽县地甲病流行区选择30例克汀病患者(男21例,女9例,年龄最大41岁,最小8岁)进行临床检查和尿碘,甲状腺吸碘率,T_3,T_4,TSH 等指标的测定。结果如下: In M
维生素丁中毒所致之正常红血球、血色素性贫血,用肝臓、铁、及维生素 B_(12)治疗均难以奏效。可表明此贫血严重程度之氮质血症是显著的。外周血片检查无助于贫血的分类。过