各位领导、各位来宾、朋友们、同志们: 今天,我们相聚在这里,隆重庆祝青海省人民政府统计机构成立50周年。在这个值得纪念的日子,中共青海省委书记苏荣、青海省省长赵乐际和国家统计局分别向我们发来贺信、贺电表示祝贺,并提出了新的要求,寄予殷切的希望。我们对省委、省政府领导和国家统计局的关怀表示衷心的感谢!并以此作为鞭策我们再接再厉、做好今后工作的动力,努力拼搏,开拓前进,用更加优异的成绩,回报领导的关怀。同时,我代表青海省统计局,向扎根高原、勤奋工作、无私奉献的全省广大统计工作人员表示最诚挚的祝贺和慰问!向多年来一直关心和支持统计工作的各
Ladies and gentlemen, Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades, Today, we gather here to solemnly celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the statistical agency of Qinghai Provincial People’s Government. On this memorable day, the CPC Qinghai Provincial Party Committee Secretary Su Rong, Governor of Qinghai Province Zhao Leji and the National Bureau of Statistics respectively sent us a congratulatory letter and congratulations on the telegram and put forward new demands and placed ardent hope. We sincerely thank the leaders of the provincial party committee and government and the Bureau of National Bureau of Statistics for expressing our heartfelt thanks for your care and for using them as a motivation for spurring us to make persistent efforts and make our future work hard. . At the same time, on behalf of the Statistical Bureau of Qinghai Province, on behalf of the Statistical Bureau of Qinghai Province, I hereby express my most sincere congratulation and condolences to the vast majority of statistical staff in the province who have taken root in the plateau, worked diligently and unselfishly and dedicate themselves to all statistical workers in the province who have been concerned about and supported statistical work