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一个国家的宏伟蓝图,一个民族的富强梦想,步入一个新的起点。作为全面建设小康社会的关键时期,深化改革开放、加快转变经济发展方式的攻坚时期,未来经济社会发展的重要战略机遇期,“十二五”让人充满期待。2010年10月27日,“十二五”规划建议(《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划的建议》)向社会全文发布。为更好地体现民意,集中民智,国家发改委11月2日宣布开展主题为“共绘蓝图——我为’十二五’规划建言献策”活动。活动从2010年11月2日开始,年底结束,为期两个月。广泛开展建言献策活动,将使“十二五”规划确定的目标更科学,重点更突出,任务更具体,措施更有效。在宣传“十二五”规划建议和建言献策的活动中,中央电视台财经频道与国家发改委创新合作,推出《提问“十二五”》特别报道,在《经济信息联播》栏目首播。在节目播出的同时,央视财经频道与浙报集团、红旗出版社合作,推出《提问“十二五”——中国百姓关注的未来五年国计民生》一书。为了瞻望“十二五”蓝图,感知“十二五”魅力,本刊特对《提问“十二五”——中国百姓关注的未来五年国计民生》进行摘编,以飨读者。 The magnificent blueprint of a country, the dream of a nation prosperous, entered a new starting point. As a crucial period for building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects, it is an important strategic period for deepening reform and opening up, accelerating the transformation of the mode of economic development, and an important strategic opportunity for economic and social development in the future. On October 27, 2010, the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” Proposal (Proposal of the CPC Central Committee on Formulating the Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development) was released to the society in its entirety. In order to better reflect public opinion and concentrate on people’s wisdom, the National Development and Reform Commission announced on November 2 that it will carry out the theme of “drawing a blueprint for a total project - I will offer advice and suggestions for the 12th Five-Year Plan”. The event begins on November 2, 2010 and concludes at the end of the year for two months. Extensive suggestions and suggestions will make the goals set in the “Twelfth Five-year Plan” more scientific and more focused with more specific tasks and more effective measures. In the promotion of “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” proposals and suggestions in the activities, CCTV financial channel innovation and cooperation with the National Development and Reform Commission, launched the “question” “Twelfth Five-Year ” “special report,” Economic Information Network “section premiere . At the same time that the program is aired, CCTV Financial Channel cooperated with Zhejiang News Group and Hongqi Press to launch the ”Question“ Twelfth Five-Year Plan - ”The Chinese People’s Livelihood for the Next Five Years“. In order to look forward to the ”12th Five-Year Plan“ and to perceive the charm of ”Twelfth Five-Year Plan“, we hereby give an excerpt to the question ”Twelfth Five-Year Plan" for the Chinese people’s livelihood for the next five years. reader.
今年32岁的曼联中场球星吉格斯多年来不仅凭借着精湛的球技在 绿茵场上叱咤风云,而且还因为帅酷的外表在球场外独领风骚,虽然 吉格斯的长相不如贝克汉姆那般英俊,但身材性感
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岁末总结是种习惯, 算是提醒发生了什么或期 待改变的希望。 一月 19日,阎世铎在香河主持中国足 球代表大会,足协公布了2005年联赛 赛程,确定2005只升不降和2006恢 复升降级