锻造一流员工队伍 实现航天再次腾飞——访中国航天科工集团公司总经理殷兴良

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在知识经济和全球经济一体化的今天,综合国力竞争 日趋激烈,人才问题已成为决定竞争成败的一个非常关键 的因素。对于新世纪初的中国航天事业而言,人才问题也 是面临的突出问题。 中国航天科工集团公司积极适应时代发展要求,从成 立之初,就十分重视人才工作,并确定了以人为本的管理思 想,坚持人才是企业第一宝贵的资源。针对航天人才发展问 题,集团开展了《中国航天人才发展战略》课题研究,召开 Today, with the integration of knowledge economy and global economy, the competition for comprehensive national strength is becoming increasingly fierce. The issue of personnel has become a very crucial factor in determining the success or failure of competition. As for China’s space industry in the beginning of the new century, the talent issue is also a prominent one. China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation actively adapts to the requirements of the development of the times. From the very beginning of its establishment, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation attached great importance to the work of talents and determined the people-oriented management thought. Persisting in employing talents is the first precious resource for the enterprise. For the development of space personnel, the Group conducted a research project on “China’s Space Talent Development Strategy”
油价飞上了天,利润相应增长。但朝前看,这个行业面临着痛苦的变革选择。“我们依靠廉价石油、甚至更廉价的天然气的时代显然一去不复返了。”雪佛龙-德士古(chevron Texaco)
High oil price will continue to threaten global economic growth unless the Groupof Eight industrialized countries take the lead in improving energy efficiency,