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1 树木整形及利用野牛草造型在园林艺术布局中的作用不论是树木整形或是利用野牛草造型都是根据功能的要求而进行的艺术造景,它是园林艺术的重要内容之一,是构成园林美的具体体现。为给人们创造一个优美的环境,每个公园都应做到园容整洁、花木茂盛、内容丰富、景色优美,使人们入园后感到心情舒畅、精神振奋、流连忘返。这就要求我们提高造园艺术水平,搞好树木整形及利用草类造型是提高造园艺术水平的重要手段之一。 1 tree plastic and use of bison grass shape in the landscape layout of the role of both the plastic surgery or the use of bison grass shape are based on the functional requirements of the landscaping, it is one of the important elements of garden art is to form Garden beauty of the specific embodiment. In order to create a beautiful environment for everyone, each park should be neat and tidy, rich in flowers, rich in content, beautiful scenery, so that people feel happy after entering the park, energetic, linger. This requires us to improve the level of garden art, do a good job in tree shaping and use of grass is an important means to improve the art of gardening.
An adaptive color image filter (ACIF) is proposed in this note. Through analyzing noise corruption of color image, efficient locally adaptive filters are chose
炎热夏天,喝碗绿豆汤,顿觉烦暑尽消,心旷神怡。这是因为绿豆有清热解毒、消暑止渴、利水消肿、清胆养胃的功效。所以,每到夏季人们便用它来制成各种消暑降温的清凉饮料。 绿
  Coordination polymers are currently of interest owing to their intriguing topology structures and potential applications as functional materials. Pyridine c
粗犷性感偶像反町隆史已一年半没出专辑了,最近他推出了自己的首张精选大碟《Best Of My Time-1999珍爱时光》,把这张专辑引进台湾发行的上华唱片征得他的同意后在专辑中制