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6月盛夏,绿野如茵。涉足清水县太坪乡麦牛村王家确高山,只见昔日杂草丛生的1250亩荒山、弃地一改旧貌,460亩油松、刺槐生机勃勃,400亩苹果、花椒生长茁壮,一派蓬勃繁荣的景象。这就是群众称为“太坪山上拓荒牛”的青年农民刘润峁规模承包创办的股份制绿色企业。今年31岁的刘润峁,中学毕业后立志在农村干一番事业。前几年为学科技,他5次上县城参加果树技术培训,坚持在自家6亩果园实践,使树壮果丰,年收入由700元上升到8100元,增长10多倍。他因之学得一手科学务果好技术,并且在指导乡亲们科学务果致富上做出了奉献,光荣地加入了中国共产党。1991年年初,刘润峁看到村里王家确的1200多亩荒坡、弃地,便萌生了联合贫困户青年农民开发治理荒坡植树致富的念头。他从县上请来专家参谋论证后下定了决心,向村委会、乡政府呈交了承包治理荒山坡的报告,得到县乡村领导的关怀与支持。从此16 June summer, green. Involved in Mak Tai Village, Qingshui County, wheat village Wang indeed mountain, saw the old overgrown 1250 acres of barren hills, abandoned land to change the old appearance, 460 acres of pine, acacia vibrant, 400 acres of apples, pepper growing robust, faction flourish Prosperous scene. This is the joint-stock green enterprise established by the masses under the contract of the size of Liu Runu, a young peasant who is called “the pioneer cow on Taiping Mountain.” This year’s 31-year-old Liu Runyong, determined to work in rural areas after graduating from high school. A few years ago for science and technology, he attended the county five times in fruit trees technical training, adhere to their 6 acres of orchard practice, so that the tree strong fruit, the annual income from 700 yuan to 8100 yuan, an increase of 10 times. As a result, he learned first-hand the science of science and technology and made dedication in guiding the villagers to make contributions to the scientific cause and joined the Chinese Communist Party with honor. At the beginning of 1991, when Liu Runyong saw the 1,200-acre wasteland and abandoned land in the village, Wang Meng started the idea of ​​jointly developing and treating the poor farmers with young peasants to plant trees and get rich. He invited experts from the county to prove after the argument was made to the village committee, the township government submitted a report on the contracting and management of barren slopes, county and county leaders by the care and support. From this 16
本文从轧辊通用的必要性及通用改造的技术措施方面,论述了轧辊改造对冷轧生产、降耗节资的有益效果。 In this paper, the necessity of universal roller and the general
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