Graph theory for FPGA minimum configurations

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xushihuinuaa
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A traditional bottom-up modeling method for minimum configuration numbers is adopted for the study of FPGA minimum configurations.This method is limited if a large number of LUTs and multiplexers are presented. Since graph theory has been extensively applied to circuit analysis and test,this paper focuses on the modeling FPGA configurations.In our study,an internal logic block and interconnections of an FPGA are considered as a vertex and an edge connecting two vertices in the graph,respectively.A top-down modeling method is proposed in the paper to achieve minimum configuration numbers for CLB and IOB.Based on the proposed modeling approach and exhaustive analysis,the minimum configuration numbers for CLB and IOB are five and three,respectively. A traditional bottom-up modeling method for minimum configuration numbers is adopted for the study of FPGA minimum configurations.This method is limited if a large number of LUTs and multiplexers are presented. Since graph theory has been extensively applied to circuit analysis and test, this paper focus on the modeling FPGA configuration. In our study, an internal logic block and interconnections of an FPGA are considered as a vertex and an edge connecting two vertices in the graph, respectively. A top-down modeling method is proposed in the paper to achieve minimum configuration numbers for CLB and IOB. Based on the proposed modeling approach and exhaustive analysis, the minimum configuration numbers for CLB and IOB are five and three, respectively.
Myocardial infarction(MI) remains the most common cause of heart failure(HF) worldwide. For almost 50 years HF has been recognised as a determinant ofadverse pr
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