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[目的]研究西瓜花粉直感效应对其果实的影响。[方法]以多代自交的小西瓜材料07-10-2-3-3(黄皮红瓤)为母本,07-32-2-3-5(绿皮粗虎纹红瓤)和07-33-1-2-3(绿皮细虎纹红瓤)为父本,配置杂交种。并测定杂交后30d的西瓜重量、皮厚度、糖度等。[结果]外观上,杂交后2个小西瓜组合当代(F0)差异不大,组合07-10-2-3-3×07-32-2-3-5和07-10-2-3-3×07-33-1-2-3都表现为高球形,瓜皮金黄色并带有细虎纹,其瓜肉都表现为红色。但种子颜色有一些差异,授粉30d时,母本颜色较浅表现为深黄色,父本颜色较深表现为浅褐色,2个组合颜色最深都表现为深褐色。可见杂交授粉加快了种子的成熟过程。2个F0组合在单瓜重、皮厚度和形状方面与母本相似,并无明显变化,但在糖度上差别较大。母本07-10-2-3-3中心糖度为8.5%,边缘糖度为6.2%,中心和边缘糖度相差较大;父本07-32-2-3-5和07-33-1-2-3中心糖度分别为9.6%和8.2%,边缘糖度分别为6.8%和6.1%。而组合F0(07-10-2-3-3×07-32-2-3-5)和F0(07-10-2-3-3×07-33-1-2-3)中心糖度分别为10.9%和10.2%,边缘糖度分别为9.6%和9.1%。2个组合F0的中心含糖量平均比母本提高了2.4%和1.7%,中心糖度和边缘糖度的差值明显缩小,从口感上也表现为较脆。[结论]不同品系授粉后其种子发生变异,且果实风味质地也发生变异,表明了西瓜存在花粉直感效应。 [Objective] The research aimed to study the direct effect of watermelon pollen on its fruit. [Method] With several generations of selfing small watermelon material 07-10-2-3-3 (yellow skin of red clam) as the female parent, 07-32-2-3-5 (green skin tiger red clam) and 07-33-1-2-3 (green tiger red striped) as paternal, with hybrids. The weight of watermelon 30 days after hybridization, skin thickness, sugar content and so on were determined. [Result] In appearance, there was no significant difference between the two small watermelon combinations (F0) after hybridization. The combination of 07-10-2-3-3 × 07-32-2-3-5 and 07-10-2-3- 3 × 07-33-1-2-3 showed high-spherical, golden yellow skin with a fine tiger pattern, the melon showed red. However, there are some differences in seed color. When pollinated for 30 days, the color of the female parent is dark yellow, the male parent is dark brown, and the dark color is the deepest of the two combinations. Visible hybridization pollination accelerated the maturation of the seed. The two F0 combinations were similar to the female parent in melon weight, skin thickness and shape, with no significant changes, but with large differences in sugar content. The female parent 07-10-2-3-3 had a sugar content of 8.5%, an edge sugar content of 6.2% and a large difference between the center and the edge sugar content. The male parents 07-32-2-3-5 and 07-33-1-2 -3 The center sugar content was 9.6% and 8.2% respectively, and the edge sugar content was 6.8% and 6.1% respectively. While the combination of F0 (07-10-2-3-3 × 07-32-2-3-5) and F0 (07-10-2-3-3 × 07-33-1-2-3) respectively 10.9% and 10.2% respectively, with marginal brix of 9.6% and 9.1% respectively. The average sugar content in the two combinations F0 increased by 2.4% and 1.7%, respectively, and the difference between the central sugar content and the edge sugar content was significantly reduced, which also showed a more crisp taste. [Conclusion] The seeds of different strains changed after pollination, and the flavor and texture of fruits also varied. It showed that the watermelon had the direct effect of pollen.
红灯停,绿灯行,这是一条最简单的交通法规。那么面对黄灯,我们该怎么做呢?走还是停。在这样一个真空地带,似乎一切都是成立的,一切也都不成立,这就是我在乍听到汪建伟“黄灯”展览名称时的第一印象。这种游移的不确定性,加深了我对展览的好奇。傍晚6点,天气闷热,我的热情却丝毫没减,进入宽阔的展厅,或许是由于时间的缘故,参观者不多,这反倒让我庆幸可以安静地享受与作品独处的美好时光。    “黄灯”一共由四个章