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使用高温电炉、XRD和SEM等手段,研究了不同尺寸块状菱镁矿的烧结特性。结果表明:在400-800℃温度范围内试样的分解率、活性和体积密度与块度有关,块度小的分解率高、活性大,体积密度减小得快。在800-1000℃烧结尚未开始;在1000-1300℃体积密度上升至2.00 g/cm~3,以固相烧结为主,烧结速度较低;在1300-1600℃体积密度上升至2.60 g/cm~3,固相烧结逐渐向固相-液相烧结转变,烧结速度有所提高;在1600℃以上完全转变为液相烧结,烧结速度迅速提高,体积密度上升至1800℃的3.27 g/cm~3;在1800℃烧后,块度对其体积密度基本上没有影响。 The sintering characteristics of massive magnesites with different sizes were studied by means of high temperature electric furnace, XRD and SEM. The results show that the decomposition rate, the activity and the bulk density of the samples are related to the blockiness in the range of 400-800 ℃. The decomposition rate of the block is small, the activity is large and the bulk density is reduced rapidly. Sintering at 800-1000 ° C has not yet begun; at a bulk density of 1000-1300 ° C, the bulk density has risen to 2.00 g / cm 3, which is dominated by solid phase sintering, with a lower sintering rate; the bulk density at 1300-1600 ° C increases to 2.60 g / cm ~ 3, the solid-phase sintering gradually transformed into solid-liquid phase and the sintering speed increased. When the temperature was higher than 1600 ℃, the liquid phase was completely transformed into the liquid phase, the sintering speed increased rapidly and the bulk density increased to 3.27 g / cm ~ 3; After burning at 1800 ℃, the bulk density of the bulk density of its basically no effect.
An event themed the Third Sino-British Bilateral Forum on Marxist Aesthetics,jointly organized by School of Humanities in Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the
技能培训模式的基本内涵 技能培训模式有广义与狭义之分。广义的技能培训模式系指包括培训思想、培训内容、培训师资、培训对象、培训方法、考核方式、培训设施等与技能培训