
来源 :汽车电器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lujunjun_1204
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直流发电机车上的蓄电池有的采用正极搭铁,也有的采用负极搭铁。单从线路外表连接形式上看,当与发电机极性相反串联工作时,这种电路充电系统是不能工作的(如图1所示)。但实际情况与这种分析不一样,当发电机工作瞬间后输出极性立即改变,充电系统也能 DC generator car battery some positive ground, while others use the negative ground. From the perspective of the connection form of the line, this circuit charging system can not work when connected in series with the generator polarity (as shown in Figure 1). However, the actual situation is not the same as this kind of analysis. When the generator is operating instantaneously, the output polarity changes immediately and the charging system can
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