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网络,向着这个星球的各个角落迅速地延伸,它不仅仅贯穿当 代社会文明的进步,更深深地融入人们的生活,扎根于人们的心 里…… 网络社会 在网络空间中形成的一种新的社会形式,属于其中的个体,通 过网络以各种不同的行为方式相互联系与连接,形成不同的群体, 这些群体就是网络社会的结构单元。 人类,自古以来,虽历经不同的社会时期和历史阶段,都一直 孜孜不倦地追求着理解和沟通,正因如此,创造了无数的动人故事 与传说,也留下诸如“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”等千古绝唱…… 时值今朝,伴随着整个社会信息化的隆隆步伐,通讯方式的日 臻完善,媒体网络渗透到人类生活的方方面面,信息浪潮更是汹涌 而至,铺天盖地而来,对此,人们一方面惊呼知识膨胀,信息爆炸, 另一方面却又以平和的心境泰然处之,见怪不怪,惊着不惊了。 Network, extending rapidly to every corner of the planet, not only through the progress of contemporary social civilization, more deeply into people’s lives, rooted in people’s hearts ...... Network society in the cyberspace of the formation of a new society Form, belonging to one of the individual, through the Internet in a variety of different ways of interaction with each other and connect to form different groups, these groups is the network of social structural unit. Since ancient times, human beings have been persistently pursuing understanding and communication through various social periods and historical stages. As a result, they have created countless moving stories and legends, and have left behind such as "Friends of the Sea Memory, End of the World At the moment, with the booming pace of informationization in society as a whole and the way of communication becoming more and more perfect, the media network has infiltrated all aspects of human life. The wave of information is even more raging and overwhelming. To this end, On the one hand, people exclaimed the expansion of knowledge and the explosion of information. On the other hand, however, they were surprised at the peaceful state of mind.
目的 :探讨慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD)患者急性发作期的糖代谢改变。方法 :采用口服葡萄糖耐量试验 ,胰岛素释放试验检测26例COPD急性发作期患者血糖及胰岛素水平。结果 :中重
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