MR-IDPSO: A Novel Algorithm for Large-Scale Dynamic Service Composition

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdsxw
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In the era of big data, data intensive applications have posed new challenges to the field of service composition. How to select the optimal composited service from thousands of functionally equivalent services but different Quality of Service(Qo S) attributes has become a hot research in service computing. As a consequence,in this paper, we propose a novel algorithm MR-IDPSO(Map Reduce based on Improved Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization), which makes use of the improved discrete Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) with the Map Reduce to solve large-scale dynamic service composition. Experiments show that our algorithm outperforms the parallel genetic algorithm in terms of solution quality and is efficient for large-scale dynamic service composition. In addition,the experimental results also demonstrate that the performance of MR-IDPSO becomes more better with increasing number of candidate services. In the era of big data, data intensive applications have posed new challenges to the field of service composition. How to select the optimal composited service from thousands of functionally equivalent services but different Quality of Service (QoS) attributes has become a hot research in service computing. As a consequence, in this paper, we propose a novel algorithm MR-IDPSO (Map Reduce based on Improved Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization), which makes use of the improved discrete Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) with the Map Reduce to solve large-scale dynamic service composition. Experiments show that our algorithm outperforms the parallel genetic algorithm in terms of solution quality and is efficient for large-scale dynamic service composition. In addition, the experimental results also demonstrate that the performance of MR-IDPSO becomes more better with increasing number of candidate services.
摘 要:提高生态移民区学生的思想品德教育,应该少一些整齐划一,多一些对症下药,能够恰如其分且游刃有余地去滋养和锻造不同的孩子;少一点直面训导,多一些情境育人,把思想品德教育像“盐”一样融入情境的“汤”中;少一些急功近利,不直奔结果、不急于求成,不立即下结论、贴标签,相反,多一些温火慢炖,以此打造生机盎然的移民区活德育教育。  关键词:移民区;思想品德;因材施教;情境育人;温火慢炖  古浪县西靖阳光
曾经接过一个工作任务,去和香港某电视台的一个主持人对话,并记录下来整理成书,其实说对话那是好听的,我就是一个话引子,作采访式的提问。那个主持人是从大陆过到香港的,当时风头正健,在电视上给人的印象是冷峭、机智、刻薄。  对话快结束时,我们的情绪都彻底放松了,谈笑间,他给我讲述了一个童年故事,我至今记忆犹新。  “我上初中的时候爱上一个姑娘,她年纪比我大得多,我当时还只是一个小孩子,而她已经工作了。她
摘 要:提高初中道德与法治课有效参与度有利于充分发挥道德与法治课的以德育人的功能,提高学生参与课堂的深度和广度。广度指参与的人数和时间的多少,深度指是否涉及深层次的问题,学生是否主动参与。本文就当前初中道德与法治课所存在的不足,主要阐述了初中道德与法治课提高学生有效参与度的意义,并且就如何提高学生有效参与度展开讨论,旨在进一步推动道德与法治课教学的改革,提高课堂教学质量,加强学生对道德与法治课的理